This is going around the Kingdom Halls now, I thought it was a hoax but are not all the End Time Dates produced by the Organization some hoax or con? The reason why the End did not come in 1975 was the Watchtower Society had not put Eve's creation in their equation. I was told when we had a "meet and greet" if "we knew the date of Eve's creation we would know the year Jehovah was going to destroy the Earth.
It's been 40 years since 1975, can you believe it's been 40 years since "Stay Alive Till 1975!"? The older generation has not died off and they are still carrying the Old Light in their book bags. The vocal loudmouth JWs not put out to pasture are speaking about 2015 being the year the End is coming, what do you think? How come they don't figure Satan knows the day and hour Eve was created, if Jesus told the truth and said "Nobody knows the day or Hour", how are these JWs getting away with bringing up a sore subject that robbed humans of their most precious asset, their time?