They can get around the Peace and Security bit. They have said so many things about where that fits in, so long as it comes before Armagedon. Plus they just need to say that they have new lght and they can say what they want. I think they will dance around the prediction. That way they can always deny having actually said it. But I dare say they are already making this prediction with this false religion tract. And many JWs will see the "Worldwide Message" heading as a sign that this is the real thing. Silly I know but isn't most things this cult does?
The Next Prediction
by truthsetsonefree 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
IF the elders already know about this, I doubt it is that major of an announcement. Organzational changes, probably, major ones? I dunno, depends on your definition of major. The GB think any change is "major", as would any high control group. I know my elder buddy would have told me something by now if this was of any real concern. He dosen't play by their rules, and if you ask me, I would say it's a matter of time for him.
"I believe that the Governing Body, whether directly or by implication, will predict the great tribulation very soon." Ah, you may have missed it, but the GB has been predicting "the great tribulation is coming very soon" for as far back as I can remember. I've heard "we're in the last (days, hours, minutes [pick one]) at tons of assemblies and conventions since the 1960s. S4
This particular GB member said that "major changes are coming". He said that "many people aren't going to like it, but that it is going to be for the good of the flock".
I have a couple of possibilities. These are sheer and utter speculation, not to be confused with prophecy:
1) Probably, the upper management has been trying to figure out a way to do an advanced version of random DF'ings, to accelerate some imagined endgame. The process that is moving along slowly now will increase in velocity.
They have finally figured out a way to explain it. While supposing to be random, the lists have been prepared for some time now.
2) There will be 6 (or 7?; they like to piggyback meetings) meetings a week, now. Again, this has been in the works forever, but they finally figured out how to weave it in to the current scheme of things.
Perhaps they will work it in on monthly or semi-monthly basis, at first.
3) It could be something worse than those two...
Damn, you're right S4.
Yeah. I mean, they've been doing it for 130 years or so.
What would be unusual is for the WTS to say that the great tribulation is NOT just around the corner!