I can't help but wonder why if there is really some ground shaking announcement coming that the elders already know, then why has no one posted any real information about it? I was under the impression that there are active elders on this forum. Why are they holding back? Either it is a bunch of nothing or these elders are being silenced by fear. It makes me think that there is mass hysteria going on, being carried out by the society. I haven't been on this board very long, but already there have been things I knew before my JW mate has. If there is really something important-please elder friends, let us know. If not maybe the society is playing us.
Big Announcement
by choosing life 32 Replies latest jw friends
You know I was wondering the same thing. I thought we had elders on this board too, but maybe they just use to be elder like W.A.E.
But I sure wished someone would crack and tell us what's going on. The suspense is killing me
Alligator Wisdom
I'm speculating here, but I have to think that it does have to do with cash flow.
It was brought up in another thread:
I am leaning toward what Gary Buss had to say regarding the WTS finding a way to charge for literature again. Yes, it is possible. The WTS will charge each publisher for all magazines/publications having the reason that it will be each publishers responsibilty and/or desire to obtain such. What each publisher will do with it, as in placements in FS, would be up to them on how to reimburse themselves or to view it has a "sacrifice" when distributing them at no cost if the householder chooses not to donate. Personal copies of publications would have to be purchased, of course. This will make each member in the congregation think twice about obtaining literature so as NOT to waste it. (You all know how many extras you had on your bookshelves and closetst and how many the pioneers had in the trunks of the automobiles). I'm sure that this will really would be cost effective on behalf of the WTS.
Like I said, just speculating.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
P.S. = Still waiting on the real news. I'm sure that an elder (sir82 perhaps) will enlighten us when he deems necessary.
Somebody, somewhere knows Something!!!!!
If it's the WTBTS then it's gonna turn out to be a load of BS anyway. So just spill the beans, and we promise not to tell anyone else!
Come on you naughy apostate still elders!!!! We won't tell anyone!
Why don't you just PM Scully, or Blondie, or someone else then get them to post and tell us!
Waiting with baited breath and busting for a wee and won't go to the loo, just in case one of you Elders decides to spill the beans.
Hurry up now!!! I'm busting here!!! There's gonna be a big puddle on this floor soon!!!!!
It could be that our insider elder friends haven't told us anything because there isn't anything to tell. It's probably such a mundane announcement that they didn't feel it necessary to make a big deal out of it.
Over the years, all the "big announcements" ended up being "big disappointments". No armageddon news, no end of the preaching news, nothing major. Usually it was a change in procedure or a new Kingdumb News tract. The closest to an announcement being really "big" was when they changed from charging for literature to accepting donations. And that had nothing to do with doctrine or the end of the world as we know it, but was a corporate policy change that affected everyone down the line.
Would someone please detail the evidence that there is even going to be an announcement of any sort to start with?
Well , I'm an active (sort of) elder and I've haven't heard anything - and the PO (who is well connected) hasn't either. Might it be connected to the "tract campaign"(?) - if so , this is hardly secret or BIG news.
I agree with Undercover. Maybe there is just nothing to tell. Same old boring special announcements....
My Dad is the P.O. of his cong. He has heard nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero about ANY kind of upcoming announcement. Would he directly tell me if he had? Not necessarily. However, he would most certainly have told my mom, who would have promptly told me. Furthermore, there has been no talk or rumours of any such thing or coming announcement amongst any of my JW family members. Such rumours would have certainly made the rounds at the family dinners. But nothing. Nada.
IMHO, the big announcement is a big crock of poop. The very fact that the elders on the board have also heard nothing, simply verifies this.
Well , I'm an active (sort of) elder
You're certainly active on here. Have we convinced you yet?