Don't fool yourself QCMBR! Women in those days, as they still are in mid eastern countries, are nothing more than cattle. The more women you own, the wealthier more powerful you were/are.
If God had wanted the women 'protected' as you so quaintly put it, he would have allowed only a monogamous relationship to exist. Polygamy, is by its nature, abusive. Just look at the countries where it is allowed or exists anyway, nowadays.
Let's face the facts here that the Jews were and are the Arabs. They had the same ways right down to child sacrifice, which no one would disagree is an extreme form of abuse.
The Israelites, chose to slaughter whole tribes and cities, and blamed it on their God. The Israelites chose to practice stoning and murder for all including petty criminals who broke laws. The Israelites chose to practice concubinage.
Would you look at Sharia law now and say that its fine and dandy because the Muslims claim that the law was given to them by God?
God, whoever he is, has nothing to do with any of this crap. If he did, then he should be sacked from his position right now!
Basically, it's as I said at the beginning. Dirty old buggers in charge of a corrupt man made and man favouring system.