star wars II vs Jurassic Park II

by BlackSwan of Memphis 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • free2beme

    I was a huge fan of the original Star Wars movies. I knew every scene and every line. I could not get enough of them, and then when I heard they were finally making three new ones, I thought it was great.

    So I sit there watching the new Star Wars, the Phantom thingy, and I am like "This is so cool!" Then it goes on and soon there is this kid that can not act, and a story line that is weak at best. I think, well maybe they will get past this whole desert planet thing and soon we will have more story and action. Then this Pod Race thing comes up and last and last and last, I am nearly screaming "give me a break!" twenty years of waiting and we get a 25 minute race scene to promote some obvious tie in for a video game. People in the crowd were booing when the movie ended and I walked away wishing there was a hell for George Lucas to go to it.

    Well a few year later and I see these actors in movies where they show they actually can act, well the boy from the original is never seen in anything again (wonder why?). So soon the Clone movie is coming and I hoping "Please let it be better .... Please!" It starts with an older Anikan, he looked better, might have promise. At least Jar Jar was not a main character. It gets going and soon I start trying to grab a joy stick, thinking with all these video affects this must be a giant PS2. These characters speak, but they sound like robots repeating the lines typed into the key board. Although, as a highlight we see old Yoda kick some butt in the end, after endless nothingness and nonsense. Not to mention all the loop holes these movies created with not working with the originals. Yet, I was a little happier with this one.

    Soon the Sith one is coming, oh this has to be good. He turns into Darth Vader, we get some answers and see some dark times. Well, it was better, but much like all three it had those lame lines that made no sense and seemed so odd when spoken, "Anny ... Hold me like you did near that lake in Naboo" Blah!!! Lame. At least we had lots of light saber action though and the Emperor kicked ass on all those wimpy do good Jedi. So in the end we finally see Vader, cool. Wait, now it is over? In the end, George Lucas your a dam bastard who did a ton of injustice to the fans and I wish you would have let someone who actually enjoyed the reason why the first three were good, write and direct these three. Hopefully, one day when he is dead and buried, they will redo the story lines and do like Highlander did and act like number 2 never happened.

    In any sense, I am a Star Wars fan of 4,5, and 6. I kind of liked 3 and put up with 2, and use 1 as something to start fires.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    2-New Hope





    JP 1 is a match for SW 2 but not JP 2

    Ok I think I confused a couple of y'all. I was referring to the prequels which would be 5. I suppose I think of it like this;

    THEN go back to the orginals with Carrie Fisher:
    SW I
    SW II Empire

    This would be because the "beginning" is actually the prequels when Anakin was a young boy and it all begins.

    I give your critique two thumbs up. :)

  • daystar


    You experience and reaction was much as mine.

    But... is this all really news to anyone? What one thing I thought that was really lacking is very simple... a group of characters we actually cared about. (Not that we didn't really, really want to.)

    Where was our Han Solo? Harrison Ford's character is one of the key pieces that made the original three into classics. It lent a reality to it all that simply was not there in the final three. Without this, the final three looked like elementary school plays by comparison.

    Lucas would have done well to cut half the bright and shiny and replaced it with heart.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    If I ever get a chance to meet George Lucas I will thank him for the fine work of the original trilogy...then I will beat his A$$ for that crap that he offered as a so called pre-quell. In TPM he destroyed all of the foundation that was laid in the OT. A lot of time I hear people defend the PQ's by saying its a different time line but guess what he made it up. The foundation was there all he had to do was go back and give us a lil more history. I dont know if any of you read some of the expanded universe books, but they also continued to lay a fine foundation (damn, that last sentance sounded like something from a young people ask.)

    And in his arrogance instead of trying to pull the PQs in line with the OT, he goes and mucks up the OT when it finally comes out on DVD. There was no need to put hayden christiansons lathargic acting self as a ghost at the end of ROTJ. Then in Empire he changes the dialogue between Vader and the Emperor, WTF. If you showed the movies to some cat who had been frozen in time and never heard of starwars, he would not believe that the same person wrote all the films.

  • PopeOfEruke



    STAR WARS III is just watchable.....

    I never understood how anyone could hose up these 3 movies so badly? How does that happen??

    Someone really needed being SHOT for the way they turned out.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    "Where was our Han Solo? Harrison Ford's character is one of the key pieces that made the original three into classics. It lent a reality to it all that simply was not there in the final three. Without this, the final three looked like elementary school plays by comparison.

    Lucas would have done well to cut half the bright and shiny and replaced it with heart."

    Harrison Ford, mmm, yeah, that would have been a huge help.
    But I think they would have had to somehow figure in a mini me version of him to make it work seeing as his character is roughly the same age as Luke and Leia.
    Still, that could have been pretty interesting.

    A little like young people ask, but that's ok.
    I've never read the expanded universe books, don't know where to start with the Star Wars books, there's so many!!!
    But I think they would be an interesting read; where would someone start?

    "he goes and mucks up the OT when it finally comes out on DVD. There was no need to put hayden christiansons lathargic acting self as a ghost at the end of ROTJ."

    And what the hay?!?!?!? I've not seen these versions on dvd yet. Could you elaborate please? Ugh.

    "Then in Empire he changes the dialogue between Vader and the Emperor, WTF"

    WTF? He can't do that. Isn't there some rule about that?

    "I never understood how anyone could hose up these 3 movies so badly? How does that happen??

    Someone really needed being SHOT for the way they turned out."

    Or swashed with a lightsaber ;)

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    In ESB the scene where vader is talking to the emperor about the disturbance in the force and the emperor says the son of skywalker must not become a jedi, on the DVD he changed that to the children of skywalker, plural. WTF. The whole catch was they only knew about luke leia was a secret. By changing that dialogue to plural it tears everything down.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thanks for the update darth frosty. Ugh, why do they mess with the originals?

    Well, the good news is...

    when I was at the mall today I saw a sign in FYE regarding ... Star Wars 4-6 on dvd UnAltered.

    Hm, weren't they supposed to have that out in the beginning?

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