How do you get over a crush?

by lonelysheep 40 Replies latest social relationships

  • lonelysheep

    How do you tell your heart to not give a bleep anymore??? What can you do to shut it off completely, I mean, for more than a week? Eyes are hard to control sometimes, as are hands to type with. But really, help?!

  • okie46

    As you probably know, easier said than done!! Some things that can help, stay busy, do things with your girlfriends, read books like, "He's just not that into you", "Women who love too much", "All men are jerks until proven otherwise", "10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives", "Why men love bitches" . Go to and look up the above books and there will be tons of books on dating and getting through break ups.

    Don't be afraid to cry and yes sometimes to heal we must hurt. What ever you do, put down that phone, when you are craving to call him, that is the worst thing to do, put down the phone and walk away, call a girlfiend, platonic male friend, family, your sister, anyone but don't call him, don't listen to sad music, don't get drunk or think of old memories with him. Get dressed in pretty clothes and go shopping and flirt with every cute guy you see.

    Go to the Dr. Phil website or Oprah's websites and read everything you can find. Take a class, learn to knit, go dancing, take a drive, go to the library, go to a movie or a favorite restaurant (but not you and his favorite restaurant together), go to an adult toy store and buy something fun for self, watch movies you love.

    Eventually you will think about your crush less and less and you will move on. There are more fish in the sea.

  • MegaDude

    Concentrate on the negative aspects of the person.

  • free2beme

    Well, did something not work out or were you just to shy to go for it? Personally, I always think the best thing to do it act on impulse and see what happens. If it falls apart, and you Mr right becomes something that is so wrong. At least you know and if you take the time to get to know them, you may learn a thing or two about yourself for the one that will matter later on down the road.

  • looking_glass

    To get over a crush, you need to get under a love.

  • arrowstar

    that Okie is a wise woman...listen to her



  • okie46

    Thank you Lisa, you are a sweet heart.

  • jgnat

    Okie, that is amazing advice.

    The mind only collects, it can't erase. Telling it to forget just won't work. But you can fill your mind with activities and new thoughts to cover the old. All of okie's suggestions, awesome!

    My first thought at the title of this thread was, you just do. It takes a long time, and sometimes you can't rush it. But one of the joys of being a mature woman is knowing that all things are survivable.

  • lonelysheep

    Thank you very much for your advice!

    It takes a long time, and sometimes you can't rush it.

    That's what I've been trying to do..rush it out of my mind. Not working. It's not something that will ever be acted on, it's just those eyes and ears of mine that keep tempting my brain to think of this person in another way then what is.

  • diamondblue1974

    Does this person know the way you feel about them...and have you discussed it?

    The above advice is excellent though so if there isnt a future in how you feel....use it.


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