I need some advice all. My mom, elder brother and sister and her family are all JWs. The only one who isn't a JW is my father. I have tried to maintain somewhat of a relationship with my mother since I disassociated almost 4 years ago, but it's really getting to me. She is 78 years old and I can hardly bare the thought of not talking to her anymore, but our conversations are so strained and I am always the one who has to make the phone call. In 4 years, she has only called me a couple of times, once to tell me about my cousin being in a motorcycle accident and a couple of other times that I asked if she could call me back. It is so one sided and she is kind of cold and I always feel like she is kind of looking down her nose at me, like she really wishes I wouldn't call her. My sister hasn't spoken to me since she hung up on me 4 years ago after I told her I disassociated and I tried to explain some of my reasons. My brother hasn't really talked to me since he tried to tell me the org really was the "truth" and when I told him I knew about all the false prophecies and tried to tell him where the proof is in their own literature where they made all these false predictions and then stated they were "Jehovahs prophet" he ran scared and also hung up on me! Why do they all love to hang up on people? I'm not being rude or nasty or anything, but the minute they hear something that even slightly disturbs them, they run like mad.
Anyway, I am debating on just asking my mother to tell me if she never wants me to call her again because I just can't deal with the phony conversations where I feel like she is not the same mom I used to know. It is very painful because she treats me very differently, like she is afraid of me or something. If she answers me that she doesn't want me to continue calling her, it will devestate me, but at least I will know where I stand and it will be over and done with. I just feel like I can't maintain this relationship (you can't really call it a relationship at this point) the way it is.
What would you do?