It was brilliant when somebody pointed this out to me; that in the resurrection, it's not actually your loved ones who come back, it's their clone. A perfect copy of them for sure, and as far as they're concerned, they're the real deal because they have all the memories and blah blah.... but the first one died and will never see paradise. The only way for the resurrection scenario to work out for those who say, martyr themselves on the blood issue, is if your soul is immortal, and it goes unconscious, gets stored in Jehovahs big book of rememberance, and inserted into a perfectly recreated body in the resurrection. If you die before armageddon and your soul isn't immortal, you'll never see paradise.
Isn't resurection just you dying and leaving behind a really confused clone
by mkr32208 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
Actually, Jehovah, through Jesus, has given permission to the tooth fairy to return all the teeth taken. This will serve as source material for DNA replication. This will solve the problem of interrupted existence and provide good dental hygene to all those ressurected.
What if God (or aliens, or whatever) were to remove you from existence now, and replace you with an atom-for-atom copy a picosecond later? Nobody would notice, least of all you. The new you would be absolutely identical in every measurable way to the old you, it would feel like you with all your memories, personality quirks and scars. In fact, it might have already happened. Are you sure you're really you now? What if he did it for an hour while you were asleep? If you sleep alone, nobody would ever be any the wiser. What if God were to change just a few atoms somewhere in your body and leave the rest of you completely intact with full continuity of existence? You would be measurably different (in principle, at least) from the unaltered you, but you would have been there the whole time. What if he simultaneously altered you slightly, and made an identical copy of the unaltered you? Which one would really be you? The one that's more like you, or the one that had been there all the time? How much could God change while leaving the fundamental "you-ness" intact?
When I was a Dub and had "resurrection" explained to me, I realized that Jehovah God could do the same things while I was still alive! So, it wouldn't really be me, just an identical replacement with all my memories that would think it was me. I got chills. I mean, I got CHILLS. Most religions offer peeps some kind of actual HOPE you know? A hope of Immortality. The JWs don't. They offer a God that will make en exact xerox copy of you if you die. You die, and the copy thinks it's you. Like I said, Jehovah God could do this while I'm still alive, so this isn't really rexurrection at all, just a re-creation. Yeah, a clone. G
Jehovah, through Jesus, has given permission to the tooth fairy to return all the teeth taken.
The absurdity of it all.........
I often think about what makes me "me." I've concluded that it isn't my physical body, it's my consciousness. Cogito ergo sum and junk. A clone couldn't be me, any more than the clones in "Boys from Brazil" were really Hitler, no matter how much they tried to simulate his upbringing. The tooth fairy can't do it because it's more than DNA. It's ripples in my experiences that cannot be recreated from scratch (thank god). Can God recreate me? I have no earthly idea. Ask me if i'm me after the shit hits the fan.
Scary stuff... The only beliefs that offer true 'eternal life' are the ones that believe in the immortal soul!
I've said this about reincarnation before as well! If the incarnation doesnt remember being you or anything about you then really when YOU died you died forever didn't you!
Nathan Natas
it is easy to become confused regarding the truth of this matter.The bible clearly teaches that man does not have a soul, his living body is a soul. Souls can die, and when they die, something with no name goes to a place called Sheol (the common grave of mankind) to await the resurrection. Once resurrected, the ineffable essence of a person - that thing that is not a soul and has been getting mail at the new Sheol address - is injected into a new physical body.
That should make everything clear.
How many magazines did you place this month? Turn your attention, O earfy man, to the humble ant. Have you consulted with him about his ant affairs and ant concerns? Do you know if he has ant plans? If not, then you havethe mind of God. Your human desires, wishes, and worries mean nothing to the Almighty Sovreign of the Universe, who sees you as just what he created you to be - an object meant to perpetually chirp his praise, an ego-stoker to time indefinite.
Who I was at any moment (perhaps especially at some moments) in my life is whose resurrection would matter. No resurrection will resurrect the boy or the man I was this or that particular day. What resurrection would give me is what I already am left with: memories.
We are the things that happen to us, and they happen just once.
the dreamer dreaming
it seems to me that whatever I seem to be at this moment is not the real me...but that whatever you want to call it that watches... some use the word soul for this... that element of me which is consciousness itself, which does not even vanish while I sleep, but since I have no memory for much of that time, seems like the pilot light went out.... that is the me that matters...the me that feels pain and pleasure and seeks peace of mind and matter what world or body it may find itself peering out.... no one knows anything about that part of us as far as I can tell... when philosophers like Daniel Dannett wrote a book called consciousness explained, he forgot AWAY as he explained nothing and dismissed consciousness altogether much as some buddhists do.
as the dreamer, I know I am dreaming...but I dont know the first thing about what it is that can dream as its not part of the dream, the only parts of the dream are dream symbols or elements which are within my mind and not my mind itself....there seems no way to examine the dreamer from within the dream but only to speculate on what sort of critter could be required to accomplish what seems to be happening.... there seem to be very few universals that I can hold in my belief system or BS (^_^)...but one seems to be that no matter what, the main objective to everything I do and can do seems to be peace of mind...because it is only when I lose that that I struggle to regain it...its like the peak of a mighty mountain, there seem to be thousands of ways to climb to it and thousands of ways to fall from it, but nothing above that peak as at its top there is no reason to go anywhere else... when you are satisfied and at peace in your mind, you have no desire, no boredom, no need, no want...its only when these things return that you feel the need to move...or be motivated.
so until someone can explain what this element, the dreamer is, there is really no way to tell if it can or cannot be transfered to another body... or if all bodies it finds itself in are just different dreams.
when I appear to die, perhaps I will just be transitioning to another dream or all of you may cease to exist and be replaced by new characters in my continuing dream... the one thing that occurred to me is that I am alive now, it is always now, and I can't know a single moment when I am not alive and it is not I dont really worry about my future as by definition the future has no actual existance and never will :)