UFCF - I've heard many young JWs admit to having a "learning disability" that holds them back from making a move away from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Most of those were "home schooled." Is there a pattern there? Or is it just coincidence. This same learning difficulty can also be found in home schooled children of Mormons, Mennonites, and extreme right wing Republicans (USA). Seriously.
The best thing for you might be to finish your homeschooling as quickly as you can and then enroll in a local community college. Let the counselors there know that you have been so diagnosed and that you have been home schooled. In California (and I assume you are living there) most city colleges have classes specially designed for students like yourself and they are either free or have very low tuition fees.
As far as dating: make friends with JW girls, but don't date them or consider marrying them. Every single JW marriage I've known that started that way ended up with one or both being very unhappy. There are exceptions, yes, and I've met a few. But jeezus in a pickle jar - you might just as well accept that for a few months of missionary style sex you will live a life of regret that you didn't get out and meet some educated and interesting women who will challenge you as well as engage in enthusiastic love making.
In any case, don't rush into anything except to maneuver yourself into getting a proper education. My guess is that your "learning disability" will resolve itself in due time as you mature and expose yourself to a real education.