Can the women wear pants YET?

by annalice 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • lowden


    Listen, the Stepford Wives may one day start a fashion craze and you'll be at the about that!!

    But then the WTS would probably have you wearing bloody yashmacks or something.



  • under_believer

    Several years ago a CO visiting our hall mentioned how his wife used to wear culottes out in service, until a delegation of brothers in one of the halls he oversaw approached him saying that his wife's "trousers" were stumbling some of the "friends." Off went the culottes.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    That will never happen.

  • sspo

    Not yet, we'll keep you informed of any changes with the sisters.

  • penny2

    What a ridiculous rule. The men having to wear ties (especially in FS in Australia when it's really hot) is just as bad.

  • Dansk

    In my ex-cong, in winter, the women wore long skirts - with trousers underneath!


  • carla

    But must they all wear nylons? Seems there is some wiggle room there! You know how God hates pants on Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun mornings.

    Why is it ok to wear pants other days of the week? I remember a girl in school who could not cut her hair or wear pants EVER! She had to sneak them in 20- weather under her skirts. She was not a jw, some other 'religion'.

    Can a jw in Germany not shave her legs? (just for example, not sure) But in the US that would be frowned upon?

  • Fe2O3Girl

    What is this rule about? Maintaining a 1950s stereotype of smart dress? Control? On the rare occasions when it is mentioned in WT literature the rationale is "stumbling". But who would be stumbled by women wearing smart trousers if it wasn't a JW rule?

    More discussion and references supplied by Blondie here.

  • mrsjones5

    You got it Girl! It's all about control.

  • raylo

    yes, but you a woman I would be terribly stumbled and have problems believing things about God because a woman wore PANTS! Can't you see how disturbing this would be to my worship?!

    It's okay for her to have on a short skirt and pull a Sharon Stone Basic Instinct leg crossing move, but pants would distract me from my worship because they cover up a woman in a tasteful way, and if I see a woman wearing pants to a meeting or in service....I'll be forced to TELL ON HER!

    WTF? I'd be embarrassed to tell an elder or whomever they'd rat to, that a woman wearing anything that resembled pants to a meeting or in service stumbled me.

    or wait.....maybe the Little House On The Prairie look is still in for sisters? Am I that out of the loop?

    Now I personally like to wear skits,etc and professional pants suits...nice current,tasteful,fashionable ones for every day wear because I'm pretty metro in my tastes......but some of the witness women go to extremes to look as bland as possible....even Jesus would think they were bag ladies.


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