Need help locating WT destroying U.S.Buildings

by Tallyman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea


    I can understand you are eager in your efforts to help others. Let me see if I can explain from the perspective of one that not too long ago felt allot different from how I do today. Someone that is fresh and able to see both sides. Tally, I'm not saying don't do anything. You said that a picture is worth a thousand words. So true. But timing is everything.

    With the world being on edge the USA has come together to show how united they are in their unity and brotherhood, it is called patriotism all for one fighting for a common goal even if it means suffering and for some even death. You can go up to these individuals and tell them that the government has many faults are they going to listen? Not right now because there is a bigger issue at hand, survival. Last week showed us that we are all vulnerable.

    The same is true with JW's, as strong as that patriotism is in the USA it is as strong in the org. What did last week remind them of? Armageddon is sure to come SOON. All the years of hard work and sacrifice are sure to pay off. Tally, right now you can go up to most individuals in the org. and not only tell them but also prove all the many wrongs that the org has done and are they going to listen? You guessed it, not right now, again because of the bigger issue ...survival.

    Yes, many feel that getting the door slammed in their face is persecution. At some of the meetings lately they have had the publishers watch videos on persecution at home then a discussion at the hall as to how we should also resolve to stand up to the same persecution as well if needed to defend the issue of Jehovah's rulership. We should resolve to stand up for it even if it meant death. How's that for patriotism.

    I don't think that having a site that shows the pictures for what they are is wrong, that is not where I have the problem. In your post you stated

    I am presently drafting an "Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
    to warn them of this Extremely Dangerous Network of Fundamentalist Fanatics who have a Global Network in place and whose intent is the Violent Overthrow of America, as well as all other governments in opposition to their Theocracy.
    Of course, this Terror Organization we know as:
    The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    The FBI and all other U.S.Security Agencies need to be duly warned.

    First thing I want to state is that the government already considers them a cult and the FBI already has files on them.

    By trying to bring persecution on them from the government will only show JW's that what the org has been telling them all these years is true. It will only convince millions that they were right all along. Not only those in the org but possibly many that have left and may still have that lingering doubt, "What if they are right"?

    As in the time leading up to 1975 there was a record increase. Will the org see that again? Most definitely, it is human nature, again survival. There is nothing that you or anyone can do to prevent it. If you succeed in trying to cause the government to slow or shut them down, it will be nothing more then Bible fulfillment to them, it will make them right.

    If the FBI and other Government Agencies take a hard look at the "We Hate America and Death To America" Watchtower Society... well and good. Maybe charges of sedition will be leveled against them again, as was the case during World War I and the Watchtower Leaders Bastards, will be tried and convicted and thrown in jail.
    Again, GOOD!
    Get those Kult Kriminals off the street.

    The org used what happened to them during WW1 to claim fulfillment of bible prophecy in the study of the Revelation book. They would love to be able to do that again.

    Do you think convicting them on the 'Harboring Pedophiles' issue would be a bad thing? And putting those responsible in jail, a bad thing? Would the jWs see that as Persecution? Some idiots would. It would wise up others, and they could finally make their Exit from the Kult.

    This is the hole in their defense mechanism. A couple of years they were so busy making note of the transgressions of the Catholics on this subject, They didn't expect it to turn and bite them in the ass. There is no way to defend the approval of Child Abuse. No matter what country or language or background. It is intolerable it is an act of terrorism against a child. Pure Evil.

    You can yell about the setting of dates, the new light changes. even the blood issue and how it has changed. Things like that will be disregarded as Jehovah letting the light of understanding blah, blah, blah.

    But crimes against a child inconceivable.

    Tally, as I stated it is all in the timing. You will only be giving them the gratification of being "right" on a silver platter.

    I hope that this helps you to understand from a different perspective.

  • princecharmant


    The so-called facts you summon in your defense could be used by any one else, including the terrorists who struck those blows.

    You fire too cheap a shot by pointing accusing fingers at the WTBTS; what in those images makes you so uncomfortable?

    They are nothing more than artistic impressions of what you may read from your own Bible:

    When Lot moved out of Sodom with the urging of the angels and, from the “mountainous regions”, saw the smoke rising out of the doomed city, what do you imagine he felt?

    When the Isrealites saw the armies of Pharoah go down in the Red Sea with their chariots and officers, did they just sit down and weep? No, they sang praises to their God for drowning Pharoah and his horsemen.

    When Jeremiah talks about those that Jehovah will kill as littering the earth from one end to the other, do you see a picture of serenity and not of carnage?

    When Jesus spoke of the great tribulation, did he use words like "never occurred since the founding of the world and will never occur again?" Do you figure the proportions?

    Those artistic representations are a reflection of what could happen if Armageddon happened in our time (or would you rather they depicted horsemen and chariots?. Armageddon may never come in our lifetime, but if it were to come, those are the images of total destruction you and I and everyone else will witness. What is so difficult for you to make out?

    You are so consumed by your own blind hatred that you have to condemn more than SIX MILLION people announcing a message that is not theirs but (as they believe) God’s. You once announced the same message and would very likely not have gone they way you did had you continued to announce that message (someone commented that the WTC/Pentagon/Pennsylvania disaster would never have happened if everyone were a Witness). Where, in any of those pictures you so love to scan (and you’ve scanned and posted them everywhere, even on the old H2O) was there ever a suggestion, the faintest of them, for JWs to go ahead and attack established structures to bring about a fulfillment of God’s wrath? You are busy unfairly and most unethically condemning people who for no reason merit such vitriol.

    You are quick to abuse others for telling you to your face who you are - an uncouth fellow, who would stop at nothing, not even the most horrendous tragedy, to pour venom on those you once called your “brothers”. Yet even now you proclaim your great love for humanity for making available tonnes of bytes to expose the WT. What joke!!!!!!!!

    You know the epithets I could heap on you - but since you so well know who you are, I will not.



    Tallyman hates Witnesses, period. He's shown it more than once that he wants them all dead. Do you justify that?

    I don't owe this walking ball of hatred any apology. He owes more than six million human beings and the whole of humanity apology for consistently expounding hatred.

    People like Tallyman give ex-Witnesses too bad a name. I have seen him on H2O and I have seen him on this board. His message is despicable and indefensible.


  • joelbear


    Hope you are well.

    I don't think you will accomplish much by sending pictures to the FBI.

    However, I think putting dozens of images like this in one place on the web to show a historical view of witness doctrine would be extremely valuable. Similar to the list of changed doctrines and prophecies that I think I read on your site.



  • thewiz

    Now I know you are twisted in your resolve, Tallyman, to attack and segregate JWs and the WTBS. It appears you
    are insinuating/inferring/implying that it was the WTBS & JWs who were cheering, on the tops of those bldgs. Just look at some of the replies from some on these forums over your insinuation.

    Many of you people sound like a you are on a witch hunt.

    I watched David Letterman last night too. It was very unusual to see Dan Rather that way. I don't think he even broke during JFK. However, I am almost sure that Dan Rather said, "Newark, NJ [,USA]" not "Brooklyn [, NY, USA]". Tallyman, you are maniacal aren't you?

    I thought Dave's composure was incredible. His reply to Dan, when he broke down was "It's OK, for God's sake
    you’re only human." For Dan Rather, and others too see that much for so long and not crack has to affect a person. Cheers to Dan and Dave! I have a new found respect for Dan Rather and his journalism.


    Jehovah, doesn't take any joy in the destruction of the wicked, and please before any go on a tangent, I am NOT
    referring or inferring, nor implying that the people at the WTC are wicked. GOD simply does not take delight in death, even when he has had a direct hand in destroying wickedness. He wasn’t salivating at the death of people in the time of Noah's day. Read the account, people had a tremendously long time to respond, only 8 people did. Then
    again, you must be a believer in the bible.

    I hope your inference, not to mention your twisting of the facts to misrepresent the truth, if it is one, Tallyman isn't
    the WTBS. The WTBS and JWs as a group, I find inconceivable would ever do such a thing. When you were a JW,
    maybe it was YOU that was laughing and smiling over people dying. The WTBS can't control what kind of
    "nuts" decide to come in, same way the nation of Islam can't. Reading your fanaticism now only appears to confirm

    Did you smile at the thought of world wide destruction? I never did and I don't recall anyone I have ever known to
    make light of anyone's death, even for mass murderers. Maybe the quick-burners would, you know, those people are
    virtual zealots in the org. (all substance no content, it sounds like you may have been one, and an extremely long
    one at that, 20 years did you say?) who typically only last a few years and then are gone or become inactive.

    I seen people come in long after me, make MS and then within a couple years after that leave. All because they kissed ass. That's one of the reasons I quit going. It appears many people here have the same problem.
    You find who "rates" on these forums and start kissing their asses.

    I believe in Ge. 9:5, but it disgusts me when people carry signs and applaud and cheer when a person is executed.
    Even for mass/serial killers. It is something that is necessary. I find it hard that you would categorize WTBS and the
    JWs with such blood lust. Would I carry out an act of capital punishment? No, that is reserved for the superior

    JWs are even instructed to decline Jury duty and/or take an active role in someone’s demise. They are instructed to
    obey the law of whatever country they are in. Yet you are saying/implying that they take a part in the destruction at
    Armageddon? You sound like the people who blamed Moses for the deaths of Dathan and Abiram, when it was
    obviously GOD, not Moses, Moses had nothing to do with that judgement by GOD. Nu 26:9; 16:41.

    When many of those people escaped that WTC devastation are you going to tell me that many were not happy and
    hugging each other. When family members were rejoined, don't you think they laughed/smiled/cried tears of joy?
    In no way can that be construed as being happy of the deaths of others. They are simply happy to be alive.

    I seen fireman and policeman laughing and smiling while they did their work at ground zero, in newscasts. To say
    that they were laughing at the destruction would be very unfair. People have to start smiling, it is cathartic. I heard
    people laughing on Late Night with David Letterman too, how disgusting?. You're opinion appears to say that we should never smile again. God forbid if a JW smiles, it must be because so many people died. Please your bias, and the unfair bias of many others on these forums, is utterly disgusting.

    I heard/read/seen things that if it were to be taken out of context could be misconstrued. With the images you are
    posting from WTBS lit. it appears you may be doing the same thing.These people aren't happy over the destruction, they are happy to be survivors.

    When Jesus addressed his disciples about the question they had about who sinned to result in the direct result of
    some kind of deformity or deaths resulting (I can't find it -something about a tower collapsing and 18 or so people
    died). He basically told them that those are things that can be expected in such an imperfect world. It is not a
    direct connection to someone committing a sin with a direct consequence resulting. It is the overall malaise, or as
    Victor Hugo put it in Les Miserables, in using the metaphor of the sewers of Paris as the respite of miserable
    human condition, what was it called, Miasma.

    Go ahead, make some childish remark about my moniker to discredit my argument. But then you are saying what
    most people want to hear here, so I'm sure many/most will agree with you.

    Twist what you are going to twist, you appear to be good at it. Put words in mouth. These forums don't appear to be free. For the most part, it appears to be people who kiss each other's asses and pat each other on the back, and say things that peolpe want to here. The goal here, is not to build up but to tear down, at all cost.

    Wolves pack, cattle herd, people follow the crowd.

  • msil

    Silent Lambs is tackling a legitmate issue.
    Tallyman just looks like a conspiracy theory buff...something has blinded him. I have an easier time believeing that other posters hear voices from God than I do believing the WTS is guilty of what you are accusing them of Tallyman.

    Your cause will do more to hurt the legitimacy of the work of a Silent Lambs - I hope you are ignored. It almost seems as if the WTS themselves have put you up to this.....



    Yep, thats the UN building for sure. Compared it to pg254 of revelation. That little side building is the give away.

    ...And BTW, those sort of indian looking buildings on the right hand side look a lot like the Kremlin.

  • Tallyman


    Yep, thats the UN building for sure.
    And BTW, those sort of indian looking buildings on the right hand side look a lot like the Kremlin.

    The Watchtower is not just a "Death To America" group,
    there are a "Death To The World" group.

    Just look at all the Nations they kill off in that one image.

    Think I'll be sending an "Open Letter to the United Nations", too.


  • Winston


    About the WTC survivers you said:

    When many of those people escaped that WTC devastation are you going to tell me that many were not happy and
    hugging each other. When family members were rejoined, don't you think they laughed/smiled/cried tears of joy?

    I think most of the survivers are happy to be alive, but I don't think they are laughing and feeling Joy right after the tragedy.
    They probably are not even feeling happy right now, WHY?

    Because they feel bad! Like most normal people feel at this tragedy.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?
  • sf


    Some just don't get it. Try to understand them. Some will never fully understand the magnitude of the criminal corruption this snare and rackett TRULY are. The only way one CAN is to do the extensive research it takes to unearth it all. Thank you for the time you take to do so. It's appreciated. Say hi to pops for me please.

    Love, sKally

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