Mini Cooper or Hummer?
by BlackSwan of Memphis 26 Replies latest social current
Mini Cooper or Hummer?
If you look at the hottest recorded temps on record, you will see many of them were in the 1920's and 30's and the hottest of the hot have yet to be broken.
after 9/11 we had about 3 days with no jet airliner traffic. Scientists found a measurable rise in temperatures . Solar radiation that had previously been reflected off the high altitude jet contrails was now getting through to the Earth's surface. I believe that, if we had no jet traffic, then those temperature records would have been broken. One thing is obvious- Climatology is an incredibly complex science.
"after 9/11 we had about 3 days with no jet airliner traffic. Scientists found a measurable rise in temperatures . Solar radiation that had previously been reflected off the high altitude jet contrails was now getting through to the Earth's surface."
That's something I've not heard about; sounds fascinating. Could you direct me to some documentation on that?
The earth isn't warming up here in Quebec. It's always cool or cold here. There are NO earthquakes, no wars, no famine, nothing. The end is far away.
If the Watchtower would quit printing them worthless books and magazines we would probably have a lot more oxygen producing trees!
sixofnine: go here:
"Contrails are denser and block sunlight much more than natural cirrus clouds," said Travis, who conducted the study with Andrew Carleton of Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania. They reported the findings this week in the journal Nature.
"And contrails are much more prevalent when the sun is out," he said. "When this is factored in, there is a possibility that they offset global warming, and this is what we are trying to determine now."--
I think that the point has been made that while the warming Is a naturally occuring cycle, we're just speeding things up.BlackSwan,I don't mean to argue, but there is no way to prove it. If you look at the hottest recorded temps on record, you will see many of them were in the 1920's and 30's and the hottest of the hot have yet to be broken. I don't have the world population records for those times, but there were ALOT less people, cars, and industry.
Ok so we have no way to prove it. But we Can prove that co2 emissions are well pretty high. We Can prove that co2 and as six mentioned methane makes for a blanket effect round the globe. What happens when You put a blanket on? I get all nice and toasty warm. Hey if we put a blanket on a sheet of ice, I wonder what would happen then? Hm, what if we put a blanket on a place that's already warm and dry?
Moshe: that was a really good article. That was written in 02 have there been further studies on how it effects global warming?
The earth isn't warming up here in Quebec. It's always cool or cold here. There are NO earthquakes, no wars, no famine, nothing. ; The end is far away.Who said anythng about the end?
If the Watchtower would quit printing them worthless books and magazines we would probably have a lot more oxygen producing trees! ;haha, yeah that's what I was thinking. They could at least use recycled paper, which the last time I looked they don't. Then again, I'll hold off on crying too much more because the last time I walked into a Barnes and Noble I saw these things that lined the shelves by the hundreds or maybe thousands. They had all this stuff...uh... paper. I love books, I love to read. But I can't help but wonder that that couldn't be helping too much either.Outaservice
they wouldn't have to cut down so many trees if they would just let people grow hemp . It makes pulp for paper and doesn't require cutting trees down and replanting . I would think way more affordable . What's interesting is they are now trying to say polution is slowing down global warming , now that sounds pretty stupid to me . Those vapor trails are poluting the ground and animals we depend on for food are ingesting it , don't think it's doing any good myself.
I hate to burst any bubbles here but, most of the time when we recycle we are using up more of the earth than we are saving? Rule of thumb if you sell the the material and make good money recycling that product then it saves the earth resources and then and only then is it good for the earth to recycle.
Ex: many major city's recycle news papers, it takes more out of the earth to recycle paper products. So when you do recycle paper you destroy the earth more by recycling than if you would of just threw the paper in the garbage can. The process to clean the paper of print and pictures which is done with chemicals are very poisonous, then dumped into our rivers or into our air. The transporting of the paper to the local recycling plant, then the sorting process takes place and then the transporting the paper to the paper mills is costly. Most recycling destorys the earth but IT MAKES ALOT OF PEOPLE FEEL GOOD.
We set ourselves on the road to warming starting around 5000 y.a. when the increasing population of the earth started clearing large forested areas via burning, and timber felling and cultivating vast agricultural areas with rice etc. There is a cool paper on this by Ruddiman and was in Scientific American in an abbreviated form that was an easy read.
Temperatures were expected to take a downward turn at that time (according to the glacial cycle averages for the last 2 million years) but instead turned back up. They've been steadily increasing with a cool period (1200-1850, depending where on earth you were) due to a number of things but yes to the volcanic activity too. And the highest temps on record are indeed in the past decade -when you quote record temps they need to be global or hemispheric averages, (not just single instances in one location) for them to be meaningful in the global warming context.
In the paper by Ruddiman he found that the CO2 levels fell each time we had a massive drop in human population (Black plague, wiping out of the Native Americans, etc) Also, CO2 has been higher now than it has been for the past 650,000 years. Interesting.