climate change/global warming

by BlackSwan of Memphis 26 Replies latest social current

  • Kudra

    So levels of CO2 are now higher that they have been for the past 800,000 years. The range in CO2 for that time period was between 180 and 300 ppm- we are now at 380 ppm.
    Methane was never higher than 750 ppb but it is now at 1780 ppb.
    I think one of the more interesting things is that the rate of increase in CO2 in the last 800,000 years never exceeded 30 ppm per 1000 years but now it has risen 30 ppm IN THE LAST 17 YEARS.
    Two different things are happening- high levels of CO2 and astronomical rates of increase of CO2.
    Interestingly we have no conditions that we can directly compare this to, so... I wonder how the earth will respond to this?
    The planet will keep on tickin' but us renters might be in for a bit of a time... (especially in the "low-rent" districts if you know what I mean)

  • SixofNine
    So levels of CO2 are now higher that they have been for the past 800,000 years. The range in CO2 for that time period was between 180 and 300 ppm- we are now at 380 ppm.

    Methane was never higher than 750 ppb but it is now at 1780 ppb.

    I think one of the more interesting things is that the rate of increase in CO2 in the last 800,000 years never exceeded 30 ppm per 1000 years but now it has risen 30 ppm IN THE LAST 17 YEARS.

    Yes, a graph of CO2 levels 800k yrs to present can essentially be drawn with one horizontal and one vertical straightedge. " _____________| " is startlingly accurate.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Ok well this is one of those topics that's pretty much common knowledge. 17,000 scientists have signed off on a statement that says 'global warming' is nothing more than a regular cycle of earth's ecology. Twenty years ago, the same bunch of idiots were warning us of the coming ice age. >The earth is warming, the ice is melting and sea levels are rising. As it has always done. a) Do you think we'll be able to take care of it before it becomes irreversible? >We have not caused it, nor is it proven, so how in the world could we fix it? b) Do you make decisions in your life that reflect a concern for this issue and/or other environmentalist issues? >Yes, I turn the tv or radio channel when some enviro-weenie gets on to spout off about something he has no proof of. Rex

  • skyking

    I watched the discovery station series on global warming and I hope that man wakes up soon. Too much proof, have to do our part now.

  • skyking

    I hope it is just a natural cycle of the earth. If it is, is it not smarter, to reduce our carbon foot print and weigh in on the side of caution?

  • mkr32208

    Well global warming is unproven as being man made so lets just go ahead and destroy the eviroment until we ARE sure!

    I would love to see a solution to fossil fuels... YOU got one?

    Whoever comes up with it will beat out bill gates for richest person I'm thinking!

  • Zep

    There are 4 things capable of warming the planet on a GLOBAL scale:

    1)Greenhouse gases

    2)The sun

    3)Milankovich cycles (changes in the earths eliptical orbit etc)

    4)The movement of the continents

    Solar radiation isnt a factor (no there aint no global warming on mars either). Not Milankovich cycles. Nope, not the continents. No super volacano has errupted. Just to add, the medieval ice-age and warming period are a myth; they represent a LOCALISED phenomenon.

    We know co2 has a warming effect. We know we have been responsible for a net increase in GHGs. We know that the Earth has been warming on a global scale (not talking about localised phenomenom). hmmm. 2+2 guys.

    my two fav links:

    ^^brilliant site debunking skeptics

    ^^science by scientists

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