Dear Marion -
I have not met Linda, nor Trevor, nor you. Yet, as has happened time and again on this forum, I am moved to near tears of joy with knowing what little I am able know through your well written account. Thank you.
I left after 43 years of believing the lies, presented as truth. I left in the past most of my life I suppose, but no regrets for having acted on conscience. You are blessed to have Linda and Trevor to support you.
Knowing that you, and Linda and Trevor, and Ian, are going to be together at the Apostacurry coming up makes me wish I could obtain a quick ticket and fly over there myself. But alas, back to earth my feet come, and it will have to be another day we meet.
Your story has so many familiar lines of event and time, yet removed by oceans between. My mother was DF'd in '74 due to smoking also. She later sought and gained reinstatement to the organization, I think to maintain contact with her children that were in, but she never again did much with the 'truth'. On her funeral 2 years back, we were greeted by a complete boycott by the congregation she loved. If I had not already put the pieces together that would have done it I think. I keenly loved your account, and am so glad we can welcome you here to the forum.
Joy and Peace to you