What's Wrong With Some Parents?

by XJW4EVR 79 Replies latest social family

  • OpenFireGlass
    I started this thread to blow off steam. I shall not make that mistake again.

    Oh, Darn.... where will I go for entertainment now? See what all you libs have caused....

    ... But, as a side note... you know about my emotional viewpoints... When I say Jump, My kids really do say , how high... I've always taught them to have respect for peoples personal space, including my own... whenever I take them out, people always compliment on how well behaved they are compared to other kids in the grocery store (or where ever)

    But in the end, I don't take offence to your comments about the lady's political position... cause I know plenty of parents who act this way/have kids that act like that... yeah I get annoyed by it... but in the end, I laugh to myself, cause I know that their kids will be teenagers soon enough... then the parents are really up shit creek...

  • under_believer

    Come on, XJW, that's really not fair. I speak only for myself, but as far as I'm concerned you're welcome to blow of steam all you want. But your closing comment defined the message and made politics the real point of your story.
    If that was unintended on your part, as you seem to be indicating, fine: but read your original post and tell me what impression people are going to come away with after reading it. Is it simply a story about what happened to you in a restaurant, or are you using that story to illustrate a point about a certain class of people?
    Clearly the reaction here shows that at least half the people reading it read it as a political diatribe and not simply blowing off steam.


    Under, I made a generalization, based on this person's behavior, and based on what was plastered on her car, and my opinion of libs to start with. If you don't like tough! Get over yourself. Besides if I intended to write a "political diatribe" against this person, I would have started that from the beginning, and continued throughout the post about how this person was a lib. I suggest you remove your cranius from your rectum.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok XJW, I was thinking about this for a minute:

    I'm going to take a back step on my comment. The reason why is this:

    Around here, that being a suburb of Detroit, we have a pretty healthy mix of people and I don't really see liberals being nitwitty and most of the kids in the area are pretty well behaved.

    Point being: We make judgments based on our experiences. Everyone generalizes in some way. You generalized against the liberals. Hm, maybe if I were you I would have done the same thing. I don't know what your experiences have been, but they don't sound real positive.

    Hope you have better experiences in the future.

    ps I just thought the way you worded things was sort of interesting.

    pss Hint: If you want to hit a fast food joint: try a McD's or BK that has a gigantuan play area that is reserved and if it happens there ask the manager to tell the parents to have their kids eat/play in there.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl
    OK, again, I did not explode or lose my temper at any time during this incident. I simply asked the woman if the child was hers, and to replace the meal that her child ruined. When she refused I raised my voice to inform the rest of the patrons to watch out for the children, and to shame her into doing the right thing, which was to pay for a replacement meal. I did get upset when she refused to pay for the meal or even appologize, but I never lost my temper.

    I started this thread to blow off steam. I shall not make that mistake again. Evidently, some of you seem to be more concerned about my reaction and my closing comment than the boorish behavior of a poor excuse for a mother and a human being.

    Perhaps by "raising your voice" you put her in a defensive position. It's one thing to pull her to the side in a kind manner and inform her that her child, or child that she was responsible for, knocked you down and ruined your meal, and that you'd like her to kindly replace it. It's another thing to raise your voice and publically humiliate and "shame her" into "doing the right thing." People don't usually respond well to those kinds of scenarios. You also could have gone to the manager of the restaurant and asked him/her to work out some deal. There is no excuse for children behaving badly in public places like that, but it does happen, and they are children, they aren't always perfect. It's up to the adults to be adults and come to some solution in a mature, calm, and rational manner and not to take their pent-up anger out in a situation over which they have no control. Politics shouldn't come into this at all: just because she may be a Democrat doesn't mean that she lets her kids run wild as a rule of thumb, just as being a Republican means that one lets their children run wild. I'm not sure why you even brought this aspect into it: it doesn't really have anything to do with it. It's all about manners, parenting, and rational problem solving. My best guess would had you approached this Mother in a manner that was more geared toward problem solving, she would have apologized and offered to pay for your lost meal. CG

  • OpenFireGlass

    you know what really get's to people/ makes them think?...

    Laughing at them.... kinda grin/laugh (with a little snort) while making a moment of eye contact, then lose eye contact, look at the ground and shake your head in disbelief, then turn around and walk away...

    They will wonder why all day... if you must make a comment, make one that will make them think, not one that puts them in a defensive position (e.g.: wow, they're gonna be teenagers one day{with a big grin of course} then walk away)

    Works for me anyway


    Did you really read what I wrote?

    I first approached her, in a calm and friendly manner, and it was only after she refused to even apoologized that I shamed her. Did you even read that? Or did you just skip to the part where I spoke out about this wench's attitude?

    My comment about her politics was a throw away line. so once again, it seems that too many people are upset about a generalization, than the actual incident.

    I guess some people are far too thin skinned.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    you know what really get's to people/ makes them think?...

    Laughing at them.... kinda grin/laugh (with a little snort) while making a moment of eye contact, then lose eye contact, look at the ground and shake your head in disbelief, then turn around and walk away...

    They will wonder why all day... if you must make a comment, make one that will make them think, not one that puts them in a defensive position (e.g.: wow, they're gonna be teenagers one day{with a big grin of course} then walk away)

    Works for me anyways

    Yeah, it puts a person into that frame of mind like:

    "they're looking at me, why are they looking at me? Do I have a booger on my nose?"

  • 144001

    Did you really read what I wrote?

    I first approached her, in a calm and friendly manner, and it was only after she refused to even apoologized that I shamed her. Did you even read that? Or did you just skip to the part where I spoke out about this wench's attitude?

    My comment about her politics was a throw away line. so once again, it seems that too many people are upset about a generalization, than the actual incident.

    I guess some people are far too thin skinned.

    It's clear folks read what you wrote, and don't buy into your contentions that you were calm and friendly when you first approached her. Your inability to assess the effect of your own words is evident from your posts in this thread.

    The ironic aspect of this post is that you appear to be the person who is "far too thin skinned." You've alleged that others here are hypocritical, yet the only facts supporting the conclusion that anyone here is hypocritical are those that demonstrate your own hypocrisy.

    Yesterday, I saw a morbidly obese hick driving a gas-guzzling monster truck with a "W" sticker and other right wing stickers on it. Based on that observation, is it fair to conclude that all conservatives are fat slobs with no regard for the environment?

  • Simon

    Typical right wing republican asshole IMO

    Generalising is great isn't it?

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