Monkeys really do wear Rubber pants!

by Sparkplug 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • HAL9000
    I have this calming assurance that this is how life is at times. Just let it be. I can't change everyone, and well I know I am a good person

    If you can get to that place it is great. One can spend sooooo much time in self analysis (& don't I know it).

    Will join you in a (distant) drink when I get home...leaving work now for the weekend (at last!!).


  • fullofdoubtnow


    Glad you've mellowed out a little. I was concerned about you the other night, you were so upset.

    Thinking of you


  • Arthur
    NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED! The freaking puppy had mites and Mange. So now my mom other dog has mange and my mom has rash all over.

    Oh, sparkplug, don't you see? This is Johover punishing you and your "household" for your wicked apostasy! You better go outside and sacrafice a couple of pigeons. Or, maybe if you build a big bronze serpent in your front yard, and ask your mother and dog to look at it, they will be healed. Praise Johover !

  • Sparkplug

    Smootches Lisa!

    Full of Doubt now- I will be all right! Thank you fo the concern!

    Aurthur- I know just the birds to sacrafice...freakin macaw. It sin there talking to itself! Wonder what it taste like?

    Hal- you enjoy your weekend..ya' hear?

  • Rabbit
    That is hugs and kisses to both you and ms Rabbit! Was she able to restring the skirt?

    Back atcha' gurly ! Yep...we re-strung it easily and she loves it.

    Thanks again,

    The Rabbits

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