But what if they're right............still the Truth?

by ScoobySnax 126 Replies latest social family

  • Honesty

    JW's are too busy proclaiming how "Right" they are to realise just how Wrong they be.

  • jwfacts

    As a core belief system the JWs certainly do not have it right. Many JWS think that simply because they know very little of other belief systems. The WTS belief system is very simplistic and Eisegesic, revolving around themselves, with very little regard for what the bible writer and those around him understood and meant at the time. Is Jehovah going to soon violently slaughter 6 billion people, most of who know nothing about the Watchtower Society? If so, who would want to worship that sort of God, who would want the Watchtower to have the truth?

  • Jringe01

    It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong. What matters is that you have the right to choose how you are going to live your life, what paths you will follow. You're right to choose is a most precious one that cannot be taken from you so use it

    If it turns out your choice was "the wrong one" and God had decided you must die then at least be human enough to stand up and say "I was wrong. So be it".

  • JWdaughter

    daystar said in part:

    The JW religion claims to be "The Truth", not just about one thing, but all things. If they are wrong about even one thing, they cannot be "The Truth" in the way that they proclaim. If they subscribe to such a thing as "New Light" which replaces "Old Light", they can not now, or ever, be "The Truth".

    How can one expect to guide their life in "The Truth" when it is such an uncertain truth, to be blown this way and that way at the whim of foul winds emanating from Brooklyn?

    They're no more right than anyone else. But the fact that they claim otherwise makes them charlatans of the worst kind. (end of Daystars' comment) I think Daystar hit the nail on the head and answered your question best. The WT doesn't think they have a little right-they claim to have the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth-unless and until they get new light. Well, that's not truth. That is what everyone else has-reading, researching and going with your gut. And changing your mind sometimes, and being right sometimes and being wrong sometimes. Sometimes you are so wrong you ignore it and pretend you are EXTRA right in a self righteous denial of your own fallibility. (You know how kids get extra defensive if blamed for something they don't want to own up to, but are guilty of? I have 3 kids-I know how this works) The WT is no more right than any other and just as wrong as many others, more wrong than many others. Thats life. I'd rather be wrong in Hawaii than in Siberia-but thats just me. The WT is the Siberia of wrong.

  • JWdaughter

    Sorry, my formatting did not work, trying again-

    Daystar said in part: "The JW religion claims to be "The Truth", not just about one thing, but all things. If they are wrong about even one thing, they cannot be "The Truth" in the way that they proclaim. If they subscribe to such a thing as "New Light" which replaces "Old Light", they can not now, or ever, be "The Truth". How can one expect to guide their life in "The Truth" when it is such an uncertain truth, to be blown this way and that way at the whim of foul winds emanating from Brooklyn?" End of Daystar's quoted remark They're no more right than anyone else. But the fact that they claim otherwise makes them charlatans of the worst kind. (end of Daystars' comment) I think Daystar hit the nail on the head and answered your question best. The WT doesn't think they have a little right-they claim to have the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth-unless and until they get new light. Well, that's not truth. That is what everyone else has-reading, researching and going with your gut. And changing your mind sometimes, and being right sometimes and being wrong sometimes. Sometimes you are so wrong you ignore it and pretend you are EXTRA right in a self righteous denial of your own fallibility. (You know how kids get extra defensive if blamed for something they don't want to own up to, but are guilty of? I have 3 kids-I know how this works) The WT is no more right than any other and just as wrong as many others, more wrong than many others. Thats life. I'd rather be wrong in Hawaii than in Siberia-but thats just me. The WT is the Siberia of wrong.

  • JWdaughter

    Sorry, I think I'd better toddle off to bed before I screw up the boards anymore than I have already accomplished for the evening! Goodnite my friends. Shelly

  • brutusmaximus

    I was thinking about this very topic last night before I came across this thread.

    I tend to mull over all the stuff I thought and was told and then think about all the stuff I have learned on the web and I think, there is no way they are right, how come a numb nuts like me can see it but 6 million can't??

    I don't think it will ever really go away but I put that down to not knowing anything else for 30 years. I just want to try and live a good life now and be happy is that too much to ask??

    All the best


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Some things are correct...........some things are wrong...........pick and choose!

  • theyoungone

    I have been reading all of your comments and really but when you really look at jehovah's witnesses they live a good life and though not everyone is happy i would say at least 75% or more are happy but most people in the world are not happy. Y? Because they have no hope in life. Are you guys acctually happy living your lives with no hope really knowing that your going to die in like 50 years or so. Jehovah's witnesses at least have a hope that they will live forever in paradise and they truly do believe in that and that hope brings meaning to their lives. I dont think you guys should down people who for the most part, are living respectful and meaningful lives. And for all of you ex witnesses you have to admit that most of your morals that you have today are because of what you learned at the kingdom hall. And far as what if it true? that is a good question. I can guarantee that even though u might not think so, if armagedon came 2morrow you would be balling your eyes out wishing that you had just followed what the bible said. And as far as I see Jehovah's witnesses are following the bible pretty well. What other religions do you see trying as hard as them? They are preaching all over the world. But in the end all I am saying is why should I discourage you from going back you obviously need to because your killing yourself by not going back. Your fighting a fight that you can not win because as much as yall all dont like it, the truth will always be with all of you guys in the back of your mind at least. Obviously you must have had good times in the organazation or you would not be having the thougths you are having? And obviously your life right now is not very happy? So what you need to do is do whatever makes you more happy serving god or being gay and just stick with whichever one makes u feel better? is knowing that yur going to die at the latest like 70 or so make you happy? if you have a belief in god which it sounds like you do u need to at least start following his book the bible by changing your lifestyle. What i hate is that everyone who leaves the truth always wants to go run out and do anything and everything they want to do but does all of that really make you happy? I know from watching a lot different ones leave the truth they do not seem to be so happy. Today i came on this site just kind of curious to see if you guys had any reasonable arguments. but it just seems like most of you are miserable because you were df out the hall and know you feel miserable and you want everyone else to stay out like you. the saying is true misery love company. but y continue to be miserable I was df out of the congregation but I am 100% confident now that I am doing the right thing by working my way back after reading all of these sad comments.

  • Zico

    Hi youngone, and welcome to the forum.

    If you're really happy in the JW Organisation than that is good for you! The JW view however, that everybody outside of their religion is unhappy, is completely wrong, there are plenty of Ex-JWs who are having happy fulfilling lives.

    I'm sure everyone here would like to live forever on a Paradise Earth. However, we believe the Society does not teach the Truth, and so we do not see the need in dedicating our life in what we believe would just be chasing an empty promise.

    We do have VERY good reasons to believe this is not the Truth. For example, did you know that the 607 date the Organisation uses to get to 1914 is an incorrect date? I suggest you read: www.607v587.com.

    Also, have a look through the Best of section on this site to see the many other issues we have.

    If you're going to dedicate your life to an Organisation, you owe it to yourself to research it from both points of view. If this Organisation truly has the Truth, it will stand up to your honest scrutiny.

    Stick around a bit youngone, find out a bit more about what we're all about, you'll be surprised by what you learn.

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