Have you ever thought of all those creepy files that the elders keep on wrongdoing? How strange to have your sins written down and kept in a file somewhere. Do they ever dispose of them? They follow you from congregation to congregation. Some of the most embarassing moments of your life to be read by total strangers. I have never had a JC myself, but all my children have and I know that some very intimate details are in these records. Do they get rid of them when someone dies? Anyone who used to be an elder know? It's like they don't trust God to judge you when the time comes and they have to keep these files to help out.
All Those Creepy Files
by choosing life 31 Replies latest jw friends
Having been through quite a few JC I know alot of my stuff is in a file. My Dad hired an attorney to demand back the request for reinstatement letters I wrote. We don't know if it will work or not. He says it really iffy.
Yes, they do keep hold of your files. My bf and me are both da'd now, and have requested our publisher records, so that we can dispose of them ourselves, apart from our da letters, which I accept they are allowed to keep. They acknowledge that they still have our records, but are dragging their heels over handing them to us.
They acknowledge that they still have our records, but are dragging their heels over handing them to us.
Put the frighteners on them by telling them that under the Data Protection Act you demand the cards or you'll sue!
After my Dfing was reversed, the information was suppose to be purged from "my file". I will never know if that happened or not.
It is very creepy to think intimate details of my life might be on file for anyone to read.
It's kind of like the IRS. You may have to answer any questions for years to come if they decide to dig you up, but even they have time limits.
Put the frighteners on them by telling them that under the Data Protection Act you demand the cards or you'll sue
We have thought of making that threat. We requested them originally to pi$$ the po off, we aren't all that bothered, but his response to our polite letter of inquiry was rather abrupt, in keeping with his personality, so we decided to push a little more. Now we are determined to get them back, whatever we have to do, even if it comes to legal action.
So, does anyone know how long, in the normal course of events, say in the case of faders, how long would they keep their congregation records for?
If a person was DF'd, are they likely to keep their records for longer?
It looks like in England you could get your file returned to you but as far as i know we do not have that in the US, they don't have to give to you if you DA yourself.
if you move to a new congr. even if you were DF in the past, as long as you do not have any restrection on you, the new congr. should not get any details of your past.
Of course many secretary verbally will give details of what you did so that the new body of elders can give "assistance if needed" which I feel it is a lot crap, it seems you can never start with a clean record.
it seems you can never start with a clean record.-- I thought that is what the 'Witness Protection Program' was for!!
I believe I read in Franz's book that even after you are dead the society keeps them for at least two years!
How bizarre to contemplate!