As far as I know in the UK you can request to see copies of files held which contain Personal Identifiable Data, but the law does not allow you to have the originals destroyed or "returned" to you (they were never originally your property so cannot be "returned)
The Law sets timelimits for the organisation to respond to you - the WT sent a letter to UK congs telling them to clear all such requests withe the Branch Office before writing back to you.
In later years all JC files were sent destroyed or sent to the Branch and elders and congs told to keep NO records either personally or as a cong - only record would be a card showing name and scriptural reason given for and DF action
What a cong would have would be old Puclisher Record Cards showing name / address and your service hours
All Those Creepy Files
by choosing life 31 Replies latest jw friends
I think my file just said, Local Boy Goes Bad!
They keep detailed files on all JC matters, whether it led to "reproof" or full out DFing. For the record, when I was still attending the KH as a bored adolescent, some careless elder left the keys in the library filing cabinet. Of course I had a field day, and each "case" had its own manila envelope, copies of all the forms sent to and from Brooklyn, lurid details of the JC meeting, etc etc. Some of these were files on people that actually had been reinstated. So at least in my old hall, the BOE kept records for years after the event, and did not "clear" the records after reinstatement. It may depend on the individual hall, however.
Wasanelder Once
After five years of reinstatement or from the end of a committee that is a private reproof they are supposed to be destroyed. I know, I was a publisher when I was reproved and five years later I was an elder and destroyed my own letter in the files. In the box were at least thirty files that should have been destroyed as those individuals were all reinstated and in good standing for many years. Some dumbass had written the offenses on the outside of the envelopes! It was frightening to find out who had sex with animals! I destoyed all those too. YUCK!
I dont know how long they keep the envelopes of people who haven't returned, till they do plus five years ideally I suppose.
As an 18 year old judicial committee member, I had access to the congregation files. Some oldtimers will recall a book "Kingdom Service Questions" detailing the appropriate handling of various sexual matters and other sins. My natural curiosity got the best of me and I read the entire file in an afternoon, The unsealed material contained judicial cases and other sensitive matters dating back to the early 40's.
In about a dozen congregations as an elder, presiding overseer or whatever, I always read the entire file.
In the late 70's there was an effort to seal, but not dispose of judicial papers. Many congregations ignored this direction and still left judicial matters in a file, unsealed. Sometimes, these were in the congregation library, unlocked. In the last few years, care of this material may be more secure, but I wonder how many elder's wives, children, visitors, etc. have perused these materials over the years.
JC papers are kept in the congregation files where the JC was run, and a copy is sent to bethel. They are instructed to keep them until you are reinstated or you die.
And then there is the JR Brown interview where he states the will "find you" if you move to another congregation...<<twilight zone music>>
darth frosty
Hey LDH, which one of his foot in mouth interviews did he say that.
Who is J R Brown, please?
he thw wt spokesman/spokesperson