Where are the Aussies to chime in about what they thought of the guy. My friends were totally embarrassed by him. As they put it, most people (i.e., Americans) are ignorant about Australia and Australians, so they have a tendency to watch a program like Irwin's and believe it to be true regardless of its made up value.
I liked the guy to a certain extent. He could be a little over the top. As for the "baby dangling", to me it was just a creepy as good old Wacko Jacko. The upside is that the guy recognized it was over the top and apologized. Also, I think he has sane people around him unlike WJ who does not accept responsibility for anything and will continue to do things that are dangerous and hurtful to his children (and others).
I wish Irwin's wife and children the best. It is hard losing a father when you are young.