by gumby 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    Many time believers differentiate sin as willfull and non willfull. Is there a difference .....not including an honest mistake?

    That's the catch though: I think a 'non wilfull sin' is probably an honest mistake in alot of cases. For example: The Society taught for years that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE. We know that some time (I believe) in the 1970s, Ray Franz discovered that this was an erroneous teaching and brought it to the GB's attention. As anyone who's read CoC knows, they refused to change the date because it would negate their so-called 'scriptural authority' that Jesus chose them to be masters over all his belongings in 1919.

    I would say that before Ray brought this to their attention, their teaching this doctrine could be classified as an 'honest mistake'. However, once it was brought to their attention that it was a false teaching and they deliberately continued to teach it, then to me, that is no longer an 'honest mistake' but a 'willfull sin'.

    Just my two cents.

    Grace said: I swore really bad the other day.... It was willfull....but since Christ says none are perfect. I felt better after I said I was sorry.

    If I had to say I was sorry after every time I swore, Jesus wouldn't have time to listen to anyone else on planet earth.

    KW13 said: nah, not all will is sinful - but anything negative that i do to annoy my stepdad is!

    What about all the dirty pictures you post on here?

  • iamfreenow

    No, not all sin is wilful. No one is perfect, and it's easily possible to do wrong things without even knowing they are wrong, until after the event, when we may apologise. If one does something wrong deliberately, that would constitute wilful sin, however.

  • KW13
    What about all the dirty pictures you post on here?

    oh those? i do it for gumby cos he gets embarrassed

  • mouthy

    You make a GREAT SALAD Mary....... So dont say you dont do anything right....

    You make folks laughbut yes!!! I think the "cuss" words "aint" really nessesary

  • oldflame

    Hey ! Mary you can cuss all you want because I think you are an awesome person.

  • tijkmo

    im not sure that even knowing something is 'wrong' but still doing it constitutes wilful sin

    and sometimes doing something wrong leads to doing other things wrong to try and amend the situation..i.e doing wrong for the right reason

    surely wilful implies doing something wrong over and over again with no consideration to how it might affect self and others

  • mouthy

    Hey ! Mary you can cuss all you want because I think you are an awesome person. GO TO YOU ROOM!!! TEACHING YOUR SISTER TO SWEAR!!!!She has a lovely face- she is funny ,but swearing is not appropriate from such beauty ....Any agree? or are you all too chicken to express a view on this....
  • minimus

    Like Blondie said, newborns don't willingly crap their diapers...(Well, she didn't quite say it that way). We all sin, make mistakes. Some on purpose, some not....Why are you asking????

  • Mary

    Hey ! Mary you can cuss all you want because I think you are an awesome person.

    GO TO YOU ROOM!!! TEACHING YOUR SISTER TO SWEAR!!!!She has a lovely face- she is funny ,but swearing is not appropriate from such beauty ....Any agree? or are you all too chicken to express a view on this....

    Oh now, come on Grace.....I've been doing better and swearing alot less on here, you gotta admit. Rome wasn't built overnight so you can't except f*******g miracles from me.

  • gumby

    *reminds self to never associate with Mouthy again cuz she's demonised*

    I brought up this point because I read a link Mary provided on Shunning and how the Jehovahs Witnesses abuse the scriptures on the subject.

    One of the things that caught my eye was how the article pointed out that WILLFULL sinners should rightly be shunned. This made me think of the fact that ALL sin is willful unless it's an honest mistake.....( such as the 607 date mistake by the GB before they realised they were wrong )

    If a man finds a group of women and opens his coat in front of them and flashes his nutsack to them.....that's willful sin. If a witness sneaks a smoke, that's willful sin. If a man sleeps with someone not his mate, that's willful sin. If a person steals something, that's willful sin. If a christian continues to drink after they are already really really tipsy and they become drunk off their arse, that's willful sin.

    Now there ANY sin that is not willful.........BESIDES an honest mistake? If sin is ALWAYS willful, then how do believers seperate the two?

    The book of John says "if we continue to practice sin ....and we KNOW it's a sin, there is no forgivness left for us"......or sumthin like that.

    Anyone want to explain this?

    *prays that Mouthy doesn't end up in hades*


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