by gumby 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    Lowden - I'm glad you don't crawl through no shit no more!

    Gumby - What have I told you about reading that depraved Judo-Christianic book! ? Seems that you still need someone else to tell you what is sin and what isn't, down to is it willful or isn't it!

    In the end, if you're going to look into the Bible to find out what sin is or isn't, you're going to get confused, because this book is not about 'what you know' but 'who you are!'

    David got away with murder because he was King. Do not murder did not apply to HIM.

    His theoretical next door neightbour was stoned to death for eyeing up his sheep!

    Is all sin Willful, is like asking is living willful! Someone is making the rules for what sin is as it suits them. Some are 'sinning' because they're jaywalking for pitys sake!

    IF you want to live by silly man made rules, in that silly man made book there'll always be someone to tell you that you're sinning...on purpose....because you want to!

    That book screws with your brains and causes grown mens' testicles to shrink in confusion!

    Stay away from it!

    Don't say I didn't warn you!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    This is a very good question which raises another -

    Sin by whose definition?

    I figure all sin MUST be wilful - because if you didn't know it was a sin (by someone else's definition) you wouldn't do it with the full knowledge that it was wrong. You can only go the direction that you have learned - be that from external teaching or your own moral standards. Even the seemingly unintentional cuss word (if you believe cussing is a sin) I feel, must have some intent no matter how momentary - say, to relieve your anger at someone.

    Now you got me thinking and thinking hurts my head - I say that's a sin, so did you ask this question with the intent of hurting my head?

  • Mary
    Mouthy said: Mary sweet one I noticed in your two last post you did not succumb to blasphemy!!!! Good Girl

    Did you notice the nasty Gumby swore OFTEN!!!! Even calling my son Warlock a B..........D Lets not talk to him any more.

    Yes, I was stumbled when I read the foul language Brother Gumby used. I don't know where he picked up words like that.....must be a California thing.

    Juni said: Leave Granny alone and sweet Mary too. If anyone's sipping wine w/ St. Peter it's them two. You'll have another "lowly" assignment. knows what ah mean.

    Ooooh juni, I think you just made Gumblasphemer's List again.

    Gumliar said: she's the one who taught me those bad words. When I first came to JWD.... I was as pure white as the driven snow......then 'ol foul Mouth Mary showed up and corrupted me and Karl and juni and others I won't mention.

    You're so full of shit you're eyes should be brown!!!.............Sorry Grace; but that was temptation beyond what I could endure.

  • gumby

    Warlock.....the male witch

    Paul was not given the authority to grant everlasting life, Jesus said every sin would be forgiven, except one, and Jehovah gave the judging over to Jesus.

    I never said Paul had a licence to give out life......I said he gave the authority to others to shun a willful sinner in 1Cor 5:9-11

    Rabbit humper,

    <<--- is that a 3-way ? So, would that fall under willful, brain-dead or accidental ?
    I think it's just a case of being from the south eastern part of the U.S..... *winnie's like a pig* Lowden,
    Sin is a bag of religious shit!!
    I'd like to see you say this when armageddon strikes when Jehovah and his son makes you crawl to the pits of hell for being a relentles sinner who mocks the almighty Jehovah!!!!! Gill, Stop talking like a whorish woman and discussing mens testicles and nutsacks.
    In the end, if you're going to look into the Bible to find out what sin is or isn't, you're going to get confused, because this book is not about 'what you know' but 'who you are!'

    David got away with murder because he was King. Do not murder did not apply to HIM.

    His theoretical next door neightbour was stoned to death for eyeing up his sheep!

    How quickly you have forgotten that David killed the big giant with a little tiny stone and avenged the blood of gods god owed him one. What have YOU done for Jehovah lately Gill? Sad Emu/Ostrich, This is a very good question which raises another -

    Sin by whose definition?
    Pay attention.....ya hear?!!!!! Were discussing Jehovahs sacred word the bible ya little silly......sheeesh and last but not least.. Mary....the fouled mouthed woman
    Yes, I was stumbled when I read the foul language Brother Gumby used. I don't know where he picked up words like that.....must be a California thing.

    Gumliar said: she's the one who taught me those bad words. When I first came to JWD.... I was as pure white as the driven snow......then 'ol foul Mouth Mary showed up and corrupted me and Karl and juni and others I won't mention.

    You're so full of shit you're eyes should be brown!!!.............Sorry Grace; but that was temptation beyond what I could endure.

    Don't listen to this decietful woman from hell! She told me Jehovah liked cussing and that the faithful men of old all cussedlike sailors and that I'd have a better chance of getting to heaven if I cussed I listened to her and started cussing, then my life turned to shit and everything went downhill from there and god turned his back on me. I'm full of shit because you corrupted me and made me wordly. You took a loyal worshipper of Jehovah and made him a filthy mouth man who only thinks about nutsacks......and now your gonna pay to Satan and his demunz. Gumavenge
  • lowden


    I'd like to see you say this when armageddon strikes when Jehovah and his son makes you crawl to the pits of hell for being a relentles sinner who mocks the almighty Jehovah!!!!!

    .....and when that happens, i'll be mostly saying "Hey!......SIR!!.....See this middle finger?...This is for you!"

    How quickly you have forgotten that David killed the big giant with a little tiny stone and avenged the blood of gods god owed him one.

    ......and the eleventy fifth commandment is...."And if thou ever dost kill a big 9 foot man in my can go and shag another mans wife and kill her husband, cos thatst willst be alrighteee by my standards".


  • Mary
    Gumweiner said: I'm full of shit because you corrupted me and made me wordly. You took a loyal worshipper of Jehovah and made him a filthy mouth man who only thinks about nutsacks.

    Soooo, what are you saying Gumfallen? You never ever thought and or touched nutsacks until you met me? That's not what Karl told me.

  • gumby


    ......and the eleventy fifth commandment is...."And if thou ever dost kill a big 9 foot man in my can go and shag another mans wife and kill her husband, cos thatst willst be alrighteee by my standards".


    Yeah, you go right ahead and mock Jehovah and his divine word and see where you end up my friend. For your information, Davids wife wasn't puttin out for him and was usin the sex thing to make him do stuff for her....and so he being human started to look at Bathsheeba's butt when she was bendin over and getting in the pool. I heard he only put in the red part and then felt guilty but she got pregnant god killed the kid to pay David back for doin it to a virgin and bein a nasty dirty man.

    Mary said,

    Gumweiner said: I'm full of shit because you corrupted me and made me wordly. You took a loyal worshipper of Jehovah and made him a filthy mouth man who only thinks about nutsacks.

    Soooo, what are you saying Gumfallen? You never ever thought and or touched nutsacks until you met me? That's not what Karl told me.
    I never said I thought of or touched your nutsack, cuz you said you didn't have one. Karl is a big liar who is jealous of me and my love for Jehovah and his earthly organisation because he's a filthy minded wordly man who only thinks of sex sex don't listen to that liar. Gumby
  • Warlock
    That's exactly why the judging should be left to God, not a priest, nor a body of elders

    My response was directed at the statement made "there are so many outside factors that affect us". That being the case, Paul could kick out a willfull sinner, but ultimately, that willful sinner would be judged by the Son of God, not Paul. Paul was an imperfect human being, and he could have judged someone a willfull by their actions but only Jah and Jesus could determine what "outside factors" had contributed to this individuals "willfull " sin.


  • gumby

    Warlock( a fitting name for a hater of Jehovah)

    My response was directed at the statement made "there are so many outside factors that affect us". That being the case, Paul could kick out a willfull sinner, but ultimately, that willful sinner would be judged by the Son of God, not Paul. Paul was an imperfect human being, and he could have judged someone a willfull by their actions but only Jah and Jesus could determine what "outside factors" had contributed to this individuals "willfull " sin.


    If Paul realised that Jehovah and his son were the true judges, then why did he judge them? He even gave the authority for the leaders to throw this man out to Satan. I think Jehovah should have just incinerated the bad man like he did all the other bad men in the O.T. He coulda at least made the guy have leprosy on his dinger or sumthin.

    Besides....outside factors don't mean nuthin to the Jah of Armies. He said in his inspired word that homosexuals would be killed by him.......even if they were born that-a-way.(see Rom. 1:sumthin)


  • KW13

    GUMBY you liar!

    I was as pure white as the driven snow......then 'ol foul Mouth Mary showed up and corrupted me and Karl and juni and others I won't mention.

    you corrupted ME!

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