Difficult question to answer, Karl. I'd like to think people are intrinsically moral and so don't need a religion - but then one only needs to think of Nazism to see what could happen when one puts oneself above religion (even though Hitler was supposedly a Roman Catholic). Certainly, religion IS the opium of the masses as far as I'm concerned but, again, look what transpired when communism took hold of eastern Europe!
In an ideal world, there would be NO religion at all but we would all be humanitarian. Some of the kindest and gentlest people I've known have been atheists - but I've many friends who are similar but devoted to their religion. Many think religion keeps them moral and, for them, it may well do.
For myself, I'm happy with my life now. I don't believe in organised religion and I have lost all faith in an Almighty God. What I do believe in is the Laws of the Universe. I believe strongly in karma and that some essence of me will go forward at my death. I'm also fascinated in spiritualism at the moment and this very night Claire and I are going to listen to a famous medium. That's the beauty of where I am now. I have the freedom to have an open mind.