Forgive the WTS???
Why forgive a lying, evil cult that places itself in Jesus' place as Savior, and cleverly controls every aspect of people's LIVES under the guise of "pleasing God"?
I feel so much pity for those that are trapped inside it, and have thrown their lives, their futures and their children's lives and futures away to a phony fairy-tale ending that their "spiritual leaders" have made up.
I see it this way: the bible says to hate what is bad......and the Watchtower Society IS bad. VERY bad.
I hate the WTS.
Seeing as how this cult has shredded up and successfully destroyed my family with its man-made rules and hateful policies, I feel justified in feeling this way.
It can't go down in shame OR flames soon enough to suit me.
Frankly.....according to their tract....where false religion will come to an end....
...the VERY first "false religion" I'd like to see bite the the WTS.
I have no problem "forgiving" someone who is sorry and who asks for forgiveness.....unfortunately I see nothing but a heartless and cold arrogance from the mouths and the actions of the WTS cult that claims to be Christian.
But then....that's just me.