What's Your Opinion Of Cops Making Roadblocks Just 2 See If Someone's Drunk

by minimus 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • unique1

    I am totally against them. Perhaps, that is because they are ALWAYS on my exit to my house. I am stopped 3+ times a month just trying to go home. Pisses me OFF!!! They usually just end up give DUI's to someone who is fine to drive but has had 2 beers and blows the LEGAL limit .08. I thought Legal Limit meant it was legal to be .08 just like it is legal to do 55 in the 55mph zone. It isn't. They merely use those road stops to generate money.

    I do believe however, that if you see someone driving erratically, you should get thier license number and call them in to the police. I also think bartenders that see someone drunk leave should call them in. Calling in the real drunks is what saves lives. Harrassing innocent people with a road block is NOT!!!

    PS. I have never had a DUI and I have had friends killed by them.

  • OpenFireGlass
    If one wants to use the argument that this action saves lives then why don't we, as a nation, have laws governing the use of private swimming pools to the extent that we should, mandatorily, have government certified life guards posted at all private pools. After all, many more people die from drowning than being killed by a drunk driver.

    stupid, stupid, stupid... I'll tell ya what, You can drive drunk all you want on private roads... As for public roads that we have to share, Police them!

    I mean, I like Cannabis, but I dare not keep a pipe or Cannabis in my vehicle for any reason... Cause I realize that I'm more than likely on a public road where I could get pulled over... And besides, when a cop wants to search. I feel so empowerd wasting 30 minutes to an hour of his/her time arguing with them, standing up for myself/rights, cause the cop is just so sure he/she will find something, only in the end to find nothing...

  • undercover

    Mostly I'm against roadblocks...because of the abuse of power that could so easily come about. I've seen the abuse of power by the police who used roadblocks for more than what they were intended for. And as pointed out, each time we give in to such intrusions, we lose a little more liberty.

    But at the same time, I understand that drunk driving is a problem and the best way to find drunk drivers is to have check points. Another way of looking at it, so that I don't get too upset about "rights" being trampled: The roads are not private property. Driving is a privilege, not a right, so being stopped on property that isn't mine, to make sure that I'm obeying the laws and rules set up so all people can enjoy the privilege of using the roads is just something I have to accept as a provision for using the roads.

    So, while I may bitch about it while sitting in a traffic jam, waiting my turn to have the flashlight shone in my eyes, I accept it as a necessary part of our society in order to make the roads safer.

  • OpenFireGlass
    This action by police is nothing less than the same kind of thinking that is the substance of a " police state."

    ya wanna bitch about a "ploice state"... The bitch about police departments that have officers that harass people standing on the corner minding their own business, based on the color of their skin... Then book them into jail, take ther fingerprints, and then release them the next morning without being brought up on any charges....

    Now we got your fingerprints (illeagally) = Police State

    It is not the right of law enforcement to randomly check to see if one has had, in their opinion, " too much to drink."

    ... To Protect & Serve... The police are actually doing their job..

    I know for a fact that some people can be "drunk" and drive better than most people who have had nothing to drink.
    WTF !
  • mama1119

    I am for anything that stops drunk driving.

  • plmkrzy

    :who I am, where I'm going, where I've come from

    :I've seen the abuse of power by the police who used roadblocks for more than what they were intended for

    If you look a little too tan here in N.C you WILL be harassed at a roadblock. You do not need to be drinking to be harassed.

    I have no problem at all with “sobriety” check points but I do have a big problem with cops abusing authority and drilling people about things that are frankly none of their god damn business! I would like to see cops punished for abusing authority during roadblocks. That would save taxpayers a lot of money if the cops had to pay out their own pockets for being asinine. I’ve been asked what my home phone number is by cops! What TF! Roadblocks set up for the purpose of catching drunk drivers should be exactly that! If the driver isn’t drunk send him/her on there way…next!

  • undercover
    I know for a fact that some people can be "drunk" and drive better than most people who have had nothing to drink.
    WTF !

    Well...depending on where you're from the legal definition of "drunk" can be when you have a fairly low amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. Different people handle the same level of alcohol differently.

    A 250 pound man who has the same amount of drinks as a 100 pound woman may not feel the effect of it as much as her...but if they're both blowing 0.08 (in my state, anyway) they're legally "drunk". Some people do not feel the effects of that 0.08 and can operate a car fine...and if they're good drivers, then the above statement would be true..."drunk" they can still drive better than a bad but sober driver.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I am for (just about) anything that gets incompacitated drivers off the road and save lives.

  • acadian

    I don't drink and drive, and I have had a couple of close family member's who were killed by a drunk driver. With that said I still don't believe in road blocks for any prupose other than to warn motorist of impending danger ahead. (like the Police) Here where I live, when they stop you, you better be sure ALL your papers are in order, or off to jail you go. Because once you stop for them if there's anything wrong with your car, figure your getting a ticket. I had a little crack in my windshield (about 2" inch) and got a fix it ticket, which, after replacing windshield cost me over $300.00 to replace. I was already going to replace it when I got the money, but the ticket forced me to replace it before I had the money, so then I had to borrow it or go to jail, nice system we have isn't it? it's nice to be put in debt. Its just an excuse to invade your privacy and control the people, show me the studies that show police stops actually reduce drinking and driving. don't you have to no before hand how many are driving drunk, too know if there is a reduction in drunk drivers? If they say the numbers of drunk drivers is down, that's only because drunk drivers are taking alternate routes around the road block. People are going to drink and drive or do whatever, no matter what the police do, when has any law really stopped people from doing what they want to do? Just ask a couple of people on this board if they do anything that would be considered illegal?....Hmmm...

    Your papers PLEASE! ... Roadblocks smack of totalitarian tactics. Socialists, and most liberals love them. A man who would give up liberty for safety deserves neither. - 'Ole Ben must be spinning in his grave.

    Oh so true... Peace Acadian

  • MinisterAmos

    Another sign that there are just TOO many cops. Real police work would yield a bounty without all the "fishing" that goes on at these road blocks.

    And yes it is a problem for anyone who has ever left their wallet at home. Driving without a license (meaning it's in your wallet at home) is a go-to-jail offense in all 50 states.

    Lots of folks get to do the perp walk for stupid stuff.

    Now THIS drunken JW Elder who caused a fatal accident needs to go to jail:


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