I am totally against them. Perhaps, that is because they are ALWAYS on my exit to my house. I am stopped 3+ times a month just trying to go home. Pisses me OFF!!! They usually just end up give DUI's to someone who is fine to drive but has had 2 beers and blows the LEGAL limit .08. I thought Legal Limit meant it was legal to be .08 just like it is legal to do 55 in the 55mph zone. It isn't. They merely use those road stops to generate money.
I do believe however, that if you see someone driving erratically, you should get thier license number and call them in to the police. I also think bartenders that see someone drunk leave should call them in. Calling in the real drunks is what saves lives. Harrassing innocent people with a road block is NOT!!!
PS. I have never had a DUI and I have had friends killed by them.