See what happens when you try and make sense of the bible?
Troubled: You say that you see the many things that are wrong with the WTBTS. You say ...
However, I do not believe it is a perfect religion, that we have a grasp on absolute knowledge, or that the GB has never made errors. In fact, I have my own personal struggle in certain areas of our religion, which I am trying to weigh, evaluate, research, and come to grips with.
The weird thing is I've heard several other JWs say the same things. yet the 'struggle' all the while staying deeply entrenched in the bowels of the religion! How can you possible hope to comes to an understanding if you stay in their 'control'. And yes, the 5 meetings a week + FS + study = control. How can you possible hope to formulate YOU OWN opinions or thoughts on a matter when you feed so much from an obviously biased source of information? I just don't get it. You say there are problems, but you (and many others) won't step aside for awhile and think for yourself.
It's always 'where will we go?' 'No one else teaches the truth about the bible'. Trust me, all religions think they have the 'truth' and can prove it with scriptures. If you were as deep into one of them you would be saying the same thing - but about Mormon/Cathlic/Baptist/Muslem/Budda/Whatever. Do you really think that if god has some 'organization' through which he dispensed 'truth' it would be so f*cked up? Come on get real!
Truth - organ transplant = canabilism. Oops, no it doesn't.
Truth - no scream during rape = fornication. Oops, no it doesn't. Oops yes it does. No it doesn't. Yes it does ... ... ..
Truth - all blood = death. Oops, some blood factions OK. Recirculated blood OK.
Truth - Oral sex = fornication. Oops, no it doesn't.
Truth - 1879 second coming of Jesus, 1914 Armageddon. Oops, 1914 was second coming.
Should I go on? It could go on for days. We won't mention 1925/1975/generation/end of century/etc.
Why oh why do so many get sucked in because a) nice people, b) hope of earthly life? There are others how beleive in life on earth if that's appealing to you. There are nice people all over the world too.
Start thinking for yourself, which means stop sucking on the teat of 5 meeting a week plus all the rest of the junk associated that keeps JWs running about like chickens w/ their heads cut off, no time to think!