Linda and I were just chatting about some of the more odd beliefs of JWs, and how we tended to accept them despite not totally understanding them. The JWs have a tendency to pick incidents from the scriptures and look for a modern - day application, priding themselves on being the only ones who can truly understand what these things mean for todays' world. There are severa that I had trouble getting my head around, but gullibly accepted the Society's take on them.
For example, I always had problems accepting or even understanding the JW interpretation of the 7 trumpet balasts of Revelation, which they said were fulfilled by 7 conventions held between 1922 and 1928. The WTBS was an insignificant religion then compared to the more mainstream churches, and isn't all that significant now in terms of membership, and I just couldn't see why a seemingly - significant event in the Bible would find it's fulfillment in a series of conventions that the majority of humanity wouldn't even be aware were taking place. I accepted it, of course, but never quite understood it.
Another strange idea, to me at any rate, was the Society's thought that the ships of Kittim, from Daniel 11, had a modern - day fulfillment by the British Navy during World War 1. When we discussed this at the book study, no one could really grasp it, and I can remember the conductor saying that JWs are the only religion that realise the significance of the ships of Kittim, and how they have a modern fulfillment. Most of us left the study with a baffled expression on our faces that night, but we all accepted it, after all the Watchtower said it, so it must be right.
That's just a couple of bizarre, to say the least, JW ideas, there are more. Was anyone else baffled by these "explanations", or can you think of other strange interpretaions that bothered you at the time, but you went along with anyway because you thought the Society was infallible?