If evolution is true, and man came from apes, why are there still apes?
Watchtower Evolution Fraud
by Amazing 32 Replies latest jw friends
That is like saying: If I came from my grandfather, why does my cousin exist?
'Humans come from apes' actually means humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor at about 6 million years ago.Your grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad is the same animal as Bob the Chimpanzee's grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad's grandad (or thereabouts).
The have been many further subsequent splits, but the descendant species other than humans and chimpanzees, that weren't our direct ancestors, have become extinct along the way.
We share a common ancestor to the gorilla, earlier than to the chimpanzee.
And all life on the planet has descended from a common ancestor that existed 4.5 billion years ago.
I READ AN ARTICLE IN NATURE,I THINK about chimps and humans.
Good points, Jim! We've sure passed a lot of water since 1992!
For interested readers, the latest versions of the material that Jim mentioned are available online:
"The WTS View of Creation and Evolution": http://corior.blogspot.com/2006/02/part-1-disagreements-about-evolution.html
"The Flood": http://corior.blogspot.com/2006/02/part-1-general-description-of-flood.html
Watchtower-1907-January-1-pp.12-13 "As for the lower animals we will not on their behalf quarrel with the deductions of evolutionists, although we hold that the fixity of species today is not very favorable to their contention." "On the other hand be it noted that the Scriptural account might be understood to rather favor the Evolution theory in respect to the lower creatures." http://www.badongo.com/pic/281040 (Lower left-hand corner of scan) Nevada-
If evolution is true, and man came from apes, why are there still apes?
No evolutionist has said that humans descended from apes. Homo sapiens and modern primates and apes are descendents of a common ancestor millions of years ago. Modern apes and homo sapiens are separate "branches" which have evolve separately from the same common "branch" which was merely an "ape-like" species. Here is a website which explains the basics of Darwinism as well as the branches of the evolutionary process: http://talkorigins.org
Good work, Amazing, you certainly live up to your name. I think there's a misconception that the watchtower in their infinite wisdom, has oversimplified. They don't allow the rank and file to think anything other than what they teach them, so the rank and file believe that every other religion is the same. But just because you believe in evolution, doesn't mean you agree completely with Darwin. You can be a Christian and still believe in evolution. You can be an evolutionary expert and still believe in God. You can even believe that the Bible is the word of God, and not accept every scripture word for word.
This is what is so confusing to the devout rank and file. To them, we sound like inconsistant morons, like
"how can you say this and believe that?" So they internlize what they see, and combined with Watchtower teaching, it further encourages the belief that they are "Jehovah's People" and we are "worldy" and controlled by Satan. We supposodly can't even figure out what we believe, let alone argue with them.
But this is the fatal flaw in the JW thinking. In true Christanity, there is no rank and file! Jesus wants us to think for ourselves. There are many rules in my religion, but the most important one I was taught was to not agree with all the rules all of the time! True Christanity has unconditional love, does not waste time judging others in the congregation, and encourages you to be your own person. For an illistration of this, please see Judges chapter 7.
By the way, you know how ridiculus my mom sounds when she says the Earth is only seven thousand years old? Please, I have T-shirts older than that.
Anitar -
I remember the Francis Hitching quotes and this shows how brain washed I was. I recall questioning about Hitching and accepting the explanation he was a reknown scientist in addition to being a comic commentator on science matters similar to the author of Hichhikers' Guide to the Galaxy. I also recall the comments by Robt. Gentry in Popular Science. magagzine that dating methods could be off by a factor of a thousand. I even sent this article to the Society and it appeared not long after in the Make Sure Book and then the newer Evolution book. Don't know if I was their source but am very pleased to be rid of that organization and return to normal thinking. I enjoy Alan F's commentary immensely. Carlton
Anitar: I loved your comment about the 7 thousand years for the age of the earth. (And the tee shirt one was even better.) How can people believe that? Just drive from the east coast to the west coast and you'll see rock formations and other things that obviously took millions of years to form.
Evolution has not stopped ladies and gentlemen. All species, yes even us, continue to evolve. What we are today will not be what will be 100,000 years from now, or even 10,000 years from now. We know that our sun will last another 5,000,000,000 years, give or take a million years here and there, which mean that unless we end up destroying ourselves, or it turns out that the Jehhoover Witnesses were right and the "end comes soon", evolution will march on for quite some time changing species, for good and bad, based on the dictates of universal guidelines. Who knows, maybe a better and more peaceful and loving human will eventually evolve, wouldn't that be nice?