lmao @ moshe
And isn't it fitting then, lol@ myself
by Gill 18 Replies latest jw friends
lmao @ moshe
And isn't it fitting then, lol@ myself
*** w04 2/1 p. 22 "The Scene of This World Is Changing" ***
Best Is Yet to Come!18
Jehovah will soon ring down the curtain on Satan and his supporters. Thereafter, with God’s blessing, faithful survivors of the end of this system will begin to work on "scene" changes that will endure forever. War will no longer mar the scene; God will make "wars to cease to the extremity of the earth." (Psalm 46:9) In place of food shortages, "there will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; . . . there will be an overflow." (Psalm 72:16) Gone will be prisons, police stations, sexually transmitted diseases, drug czars, divorce courts, bankruptcy proceedings, and terrorism.—Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 33:24; Revelation 21:3-5.
The memorial tombs will be emptied, and billions of resurrected ones—more players—will come into view. What joy there will be as one generation is reunited with another and when long-separated loved ones hug one another in a warm, heartfelt embrace! Eventually, everyone living will worship Jehovah. (Revelation 5:13) When the changes are complete, the curtain will rise upon an earth-wide paradise. How will you feel as you survey the scene? No doubt you will be moved to exclaim, ‘I waited a long time for this, but it has been well worth the wait!’
w84 2/1 p. 13 Loyal Ministers Share a Unique Privilege! ***" Sydlik developed his outline from the apostle Paul’s words at 1 Corinthians 15:19: "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied." He emphasized: "Our hope is in Jehovah; it is not in men. His promises are absolute and sure. God’s organization is here to stay, no matter what men say or do," he stressed. "And the best is yet to come!"
w60 11/15 p. 696 Pursuing My Purpose in Life ***These sweet memories spur us on as we "follow the Lamb wherever he goes." And we feel that the best is yet to come. The victory scene is much closer than when we started. Would not you too like to enjoy pioneer service privileges while the door is still open? You can!
g96 12/8 p. 13 The Road to Recovery ***. Truly, the best of life is yet to come!—
*** yb00 p. 118 Britain ***
Daniel Sydlik, another member of the Governing Body, spoke on the theme "The Best Is Yet to Come." It was a talk that the brothers remember to this day.
"When we received our invitation," one brother wrote, "memories of that wonderful wartime assembly at the De Montfort Hall in 1941 flooded back. Surely, that convention, held as if by a miracle in the midst of war-torn Britain, was the best we had attended—but ‘the best was yet to come.
Yes I remember that, I didn't hear it much in the last few years I was in though.
Maybe it meant "one day you will leave this religion, then your life will really start"
It certainly meant that for me
I do remember the Sydlik show in the Bethel of France in the early 80s: he was really a good speaker, and this talk of his was composed with a powerful leitmotiv effect. At least no one fell asleep during this one.
I thought the circuit overseers
were the only ones that used logo's like that.
Frank SINatra?...............................Sorry, I thought you were talking about the song. My bad.
You're right.....I forgot that.
No I was out by 1983 thank God or someone like him or myself?
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.
Yeah, I’ll start by getting the lawn mowed Saturday morning and then sleeping in on Sunday.