They are a "State controlled corporation" that is a fundamental religous cult. Acadian
We're Not a Religion, Fundys or a Cult!!!!!!
by Gill 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Main Entry: fun·da·men·tal·ism
Pronunciation: -t&-"li-z&m
Function: noun
1 a often capitalized : a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching b : the beliefs of this movement c : adherence to such beliefs
2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles <Islamic fundamentalism> <political fundamentalism>
- fun·da·men·tal·ist/ -t&-list / noun
- fundamentalist or fun·da·men·tal·is·tic/ -"men-t&-'lis-tik / adjective
Um, yeah they is!
OK they have been calling themselves a religion for decades now, but fundamentalist?
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source new!
fun·da·men·tal·ism (fPronunciation Key
n.- A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.
They seem that way to me! I think they would like that description. I guess they meant that they were not a part of the fundamentalist movement that seeks to put creation or at least intelligent design into American Schools - Not political you see.
Lady Lee and OFG - The level of mind control is amazing. Its quite mind boggling to hear a JW come out with total contradictory statements and not even realise it.
OFG - I'm glad your mother is beginning to think a bit more now.
V and Atlantis - Definitely a Relgion!!!
Greendawn - Acadian, definitely a Cult!
Mkr - Bluesbrother and Acadian - Definitely Fundamentalist.
I think that the WTBTS fits all of the above that they continue to deny.
They claim to be 'Gods only true religion' but then claim to not be a religion. Is it any wonder that JWs are confused.
As I said before, I think that they are simply a 'Fundamentalist Religious cult.'
What I found interesting is talking to the born again christian neighbours I have. They seem to be very similar in practices to the JW but not obviously in beliefs. What I found fascinating was when they absolutely insisted that they are NOT a religion!!!
They are all the same in that they believe they are better and different to all the other fundamentalist religious cults out there.
They have and carry a false belief that they are unique and in that they are identical.
I agree, they are not a religion, they are a cult.
I posted my comment from work, and now I'm chasing my granddaughter around the house. When I get a chance I'll post more.
I'm not sure about fundamentalist, but they certainly meet all the criteria of a cult, apart maybe from having one charismatic leader. Instead they have 10, the current gb. If they aren't a religion, then what are they?