I guess this is a wide-ranging topic, but as a starter for ten I wanted to ask about the issue of support and where we accept it from.
For those of us (most of us here) who have lost friends, family, beliefs, etc., probably one of the things we could most do with is a little support. The flip side of the coin, however, is that we often have deeply implanted triggers and prejudices about what we will tolerate. One of these surrounds religion (from the Salvation Army to the Red Cross) and another around mental health services. These are two of my favourite subjects
On a recent thread Dansk makes a few comments that seem to reach to the heart of this, and since I know him pretty well, I'm sure he wont be in the least bit upset if I pick on his comments to make a few points to start the ball rolling. I started replying there, but realised that I didn't want to side-track his own thread, so I'll address him directly here:
What I've found with most JW support groups over here is that they tend to be Christian-based, usually born agains.
You don't think it's kinda telling that they are practically the only ones to actually organise support?
Once I realised I'd contacted a Born Again group I had to drop them quick. I was receiving telephone calls from all over the country.
Sounds like real concern, to me.
Setting aside the occasionally pushy ones who want to convert ya, surely you've got to give them ten out of ten for effort? I can't help wonder how much support is refused by folks, mainly due to previously emplanted triggers from the WTS.
If ya don't want converting just tell them so. If they're genuine they'll stick by you. If they're not, you'll get your wish anyhow.