First of all I feel your title is misleading when it comes to myself because I don't feel I did! Like most people, on leaving the JWs Claire and I were traumatised, fragile and feeling almost as though we were in mourning. I sought help via a helpline given on the internet.
:What I've found with most JW support groups over here is that they tend to be Christian-based, usually born agains.
You don't think it's kinda telling that they are practically the only ones to actually organise support?
Ian: I strongly felt there was an ulterior motive for this born again group to take an interest in me.
Once I realised I'd contacted a Born Again group I had to drop them quick. I was receiving telephone calls from all over the country.
Sounds like real concern, to me.
Setting aside the occasionally pushy ones who want to convert ya, surely you've got to give them ten out of ten for effort?
They may have been concerned, I don't know, but was it genuine concern? They were DEFINITELY the pushy type. I gave the man on the end of the telephone my number so that he could get back to me. I was NOT prepared for the telephone calls I received from various parts of the country. I hadn't given him permission to give my number out and the people who were phoning me were VERY PUSHY! I had to phone the original guy back and tell him to put a stop to all the calls, which he did.
Now, as far as I am aware (correct me if I'm wrong) but born agains believe in a literal hellfire. What kind of a loving God is that? What kind of a loving god would allow the children to die so heinously in the nazi concentration camps?And be slaughtered in Rwanda? in Lebanon? To die of starvation in Sudan? The Tsunamis in Malaysia?
When I left the JWs I wanted help away from ALL Bible-based religions. The person I phoned at first gave no indication at all that he was a born again!
I've now been out of the Borg for over three years and I've researched as much as anyone. There's ample information out there from archaeology, scientists and historians to debunk all of the bible. I respect anyone's right to have a religion - but I detest those who would try and foster it onto me, which is what the born agains in question did!
Many people here feel the need to believe in God and the Bible. Fine. As you know, I'm ok with that. I think it's crazy, but I'm ok with it.
Looking a gift horse in the mouth? Never. Keeping free of another dogmatic religion? Definitely!