I stopped going to meetings at age 19 or 20. My brother had been DF'd. My sister and her new Bethalite husband had left the organization labeled as apostates, and my single mom followed suit. I was pretty much raised by the congregation, though I lived with my isolated mother. Eventually, I moved away from her, pretty much stopped talking to her and my sister, and tried to live a Witness life. Didn't work, and I finally stopped going to meetings when it no longer made sense to go.
There was so much BAD associated with the Witnesses -- so many friends, aunts, uncles and cousins who left my family at the drop of a hat and who ultimately left me too -- that I have found that I've blocked out that life for over a decade now. Only recently have I started to appreciate the struggles I went through and deal with my weird relationship/trust issues.
Anyway, I just joined this message board and am hoping it will be theraputic for me. My life is actually pretty fabulous now, even though I'm just starting this process of recalling everything I loved/hated about the first 20 years of my life. Just curious when/if any of you blocked it out for a while.