I had an interesting conversation with my mother. I have spoken to her and my dad about the position I have taken before. My parents are not like many witnesses that I have heard about from many of you. This is one of the things that made it hard for me to believe many of the horror stories which I have read. My parents still talk with my brother who has been DFd 3 times and never did the whole your going to die at the big A with my other brothers who never did anything about the so called "truth". My dad went worldly for many years when I was young but got straight when I was about 13/14 (20 years now) and most of my spiritual instruction came from my mom who is a studyaholic and quite handy with the bible.
Anyway, my parents allow me to express my concerns without branding me an apostate and are very reasonable, infact they express their love and concern over anything else since I have made my views known. But when talking to my mom the other day I tried to explain to her how I got to my current state of thinking. As I explained she listened and then when I got to the explaination about 607-587-1914-1918-1919, she told me that, that was not important to her ( I am paraphrasing here), I explained that it was of utmost importance because it is the reason that the WT claims authority. I said if they really had authority from GOD that I would accept the other things but if they didn't there was no reason for me to accept their pecuilar teachings.
Well, after a long nice conversation with her she agreed that she understood "why" I had my concerns but the reasons "607 etal" were not really important to her.
I just thought that was interesting.
As a side note I am not really interested in extracating my parents from the org. since they are old and it works for them. They are active in the ministry and it gives the something to do and people to talk to. They do not suffer from being oppressed or anything and are just really nice (to everyone but each other that is, lol) seeing old people argue is funny.
This was a really long conversation and I reasoned many different ways, so please don't post "You should have said XYZ"
thought I would tell you guys since I can't tell anyone around here.