A conversation with my Mom.

by rassillon 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Rassillion,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I a very glad for you that your parents haveen't turned on you like so many others have with their children. It is funny your mothers reply, it is almost EXACTLY like my Grandmothers reply to my 607 issues. She blew me away when she told me thazt she was going to do what ever she was told to do by the organization. When I told her that I could not isn good conscience teach a lie. She told me that it was the Society that would be held accountable, not me. She said at least yu ere following direction. Like my Dad told me when he heard about our conversation and her carazy responce, "They said that of Hitler too. He is the one who told us to murder all those people..we were just doing what we were told." Completely disengaging oneself from any liability. I was so shocked at my Grandmothers comment, the only thing I could think to tell her was that I still had a conscience and had to answer to Jehovah for what I personally did. She told me she understood. The friends are her life now that my Grandfather has passed on. They baby her and she thrives on that. Thats ok for her. I know she knows we are onto something here, but is too set in her little routine to upset anything. And thats ok, she has to answer to her maker for haviong her ears tickled, and turning a blind eye. It is amazing to me that they preach keep checking, keep making surre of all things, yet they don't really mean it. They are as guilty as they claim Christendom is. Set in your ways, happy with the religion you've been raised with etc...

    You never know Rassillion, what eventually may get them to rethink things. They may never change. I am sure they are good people. And like so many still wrapped up in the organization, they think they are doing the right thing. Thank goodness none of us will be the judge of each other. I am happy to leave that up to Jesus.


    Lady Liberty

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