Finally, after long years of torment from the harsh language of their American captors, Islamo-fascists in Iraq can celebrate the judicial culture that is Islam.
by Nathan Natas 25 Replies latest social current
Finally, after long years of torment from the harsh language of their American captors, Islamo-fascists in Iraq can celebrate the judicial culture that is Islam.
The prisoners will be torchered more now that the prison is in the hands of the Iraqis. I do not think our Government should of went into the war but now that we are there they had better help out and stay demanding human liberties for all. The hate that this people feel towards thier own country men will destroy Iraq's future.
It's okay as long as it's not American soldiers. Let's see if it even makes the national news.
I think it is clear that the ICLU needs to get involved here.
Oh, wait! There's no such thing as the Islamic Civil Liberties Union, is there?
Hasta la vista, terroristas! Prepare to meet your virgins!
So you're happy to have America be "not quite as bad as Iraq". That is a real respect winner you have there!
That is priceless. You must be so proud. Really. God bless America ... if only everyone could be American ... everyone on the planet ... preferably a different planet though ... far far away ...
Kind-a brings it home to you neo-cons that the only difference between America and some "crappy" country are the people who stand up for civil liberties and rights.
Without them you would just be a nation of fanatics ...
How ironic. The bush/blair propaganda machine touted the invasion as a "liberation" of the Iraqi people.
Now the bush regime seems quite content to leave Iraq as a bigger shit-hole then it was under Hussein.
Now the bush regime seems quite content to leave Iraq as a bigger shit-hole then it was under Hussein.
true. anyone would think they'd planned it that way. but of course they havent, no, it just sort of happens this way by random chance.
I am not a Republican, but I will say that this president loses no matter what position he takes. He stands up, he loses. He gives in, he loses.
Thanks for tha article, Nathan. I'm sure the American public will never hear one quote from it.
Hi Kid, Are you pinky boys up in Canada ready for Sharia law? Have a nice day. Rex