Praise Allah! The cruel Americans are gone!

by Nathan Natas 25 Replies latest social current

  • mkr32208

    While I will agree that you should never sink to the level of your enemies (especially these enemies) It's still true that Americans can't win in the world now, your damned if you do, damned if you don't!

    I'm really in favor of a return to an isolationist policy!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yeah, I guess I'm a neo-con.

    Do neo-libs celebrate the rise of the taliban and the public execution of "offensive" women in soccer stadiums? Is that representative of the kind of world you would like your grandchildren to inherit? Do you really not understand that liberal thinking such as yours would not be tolerated in a Kingdom Hall or any other Theocracy?

    I'm trying to figure this out. America is the bad guy for subjecting the jihadi inmates of Abu Ghraib prison to harsh language and women's lingerie. O the humanity!

    Well, let's celebrate the Islamic culture. Mr. Foot, say hello to Mr. Hairdryer. Maybe now you'll find something you'd like to talk to us about, eh, Abdul?

    Western civilization is being hobbled by the "ultra-liberals," who would have America buy the rope that is used to hang America.

    I will not apologize - I want islamo-fascists dead. Come to Iraq, ye jihadis - we have a bullet in just your size.

    I am an atheist, and in addition to not bending my knee to any King, I will not cower before any God, and I will resist with all I've got anyone who would force me to do either.

    There is mild irony here. I have no children - hence I will have no grandchildren. Perhaps logically I shouldn't give a rat's ass what kind of world your grandkids grow up in, but for some reason I do. Maybe it's because I just can't visualize a Star Trek future of boldly going and celebrating the infinite diversity and infinite combinations in anything that resembles a fundamentalist culture.

  • Elsewhere

    I find it fascinating that there is no mention of this on the Al Jazeera news website.

    Maybe they forgot to post the news article.

  • skyking

    How ironic. The bush/blair propaganda machine touted the invasion as a "liberation" of the Iraqi people.

    Now the bush regime seems quite content to leave Iraq as a bigger shit-hole then it was under Hussein

    That just about says it all. I like the isolationist idea myself. But the current Administration believe Israel is Gods chosen so we will stay bogged down with the Women abusing dog killing pig haters in the middle east. I say if they want their fanatical Religion let them keep it. We should not tell them how to live.

  • Narkissos


    Are you suggesting that the current Iraqi authorities which owe their power to the US-UK invasion and occupation of the country are Islamic fundamentalists?

    The end of Saddam's secular dictatorship indeed put religion to the fore in Iraq, reviving the Shi'i / Sunni tensions and bringing the country near to civil war. It did raise a number of fundamentalists to power. Still, the current Iraqi regime is not an Islamic republic yet, afaik.

  • skyking

    Believe this or not there is talk about letting Saddam back in power under the total thumb of the US. He kept the peace better than the US led coalition has.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Believe this or not there is talk about letting Saddam back in power under the total thumb of the US. He kept the peace better than the US led coalition has. Where did you read/see/hear this?

  • dvw

    shining one, sure the canadians are ready for sharia law. its simple. they can be as ridiculous and naive as they want to be when they know the usa. will rescue them.

    nathan, great post.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Are you suggesting that the current Iraqi authorities which owe their power to the US-UK invasion and occupation of the country are Islamic fundamentalists?

    The end of Saddam's secular dictatorship indeed put religion to the fore in Iraq, reviving the Shi'i / Sunni tensions and bringing the country near to civil war. It did raise a number of fundamentalists to power. Still, the current Iraqi regime is not an Islamic republic yet, afaik.

    Oh no, I wouldn't suggest that secular authorities in Iraq are influenced at all by Islamic culture or values.

    Everyone knows the secular authorities in Iraq owe much of their values to the writings of the great Eskimo philosophers, whose names escape me at the moment.

    Mainly my point was that the cruel and evil American warriors who inflict harsh language and women's lingerie on the devoted spiritual athletes of radical fascist Islam are finally getting OUT of the picture, just as all the neo-libs wanted them to. That vacuum is being filled by IRAQI guards who will not stoop to the level of jokes or waterboards in their interrogation techniques. Hip-hip-hooray!

    What puzzles me is that some Abu Ghraib PRISONERS pleaded to be taken along with the departing Americans. I take this as a textbook example of the Stockholm Syndrome, don't you?

    What Iraq really needs, though is 60 billion UN peacekeepers*. THAT will really fix things up.

    *See UN successes in Africa.

  • hambeak

    Most americans do not support the Bush administrations policies so don't lump all americans in his boat. I for my part say let the arabs do what they want and let them kill each other off and lets get out of the middle east. We need to find alternative sources of energy and not depend on 22% of our oil coming from there.

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