I chatted with relatives today and mentioned I might be in their area next weekend so I'd stop by for a visit. Turns out they will be at the Circuit Assembly, a 2 dayer. Seems like they just got back from the District todo. Anyway, have there been any threads about the latest Circuit bash? Any new new light/policies and such?
Circuit Assembly
by frozen one 21 Replies latest jw friends
The new circuit assembly program starts in September. So far there have only been 2 weekends in September, 9/2-3 & 9/9-10. That means that out of 52 weekends (and I know that not all weekends have CAs) that only 2 out of 52 possible.
Store Up... Treasures in HeavenMatthew 6:20
- Morning
- Afternoon
09:40 Music
09:50 Song No. 67 and Prayer
10:00 Store Up Treasures in the Right Place
10:15 Theocratic Ministry School
11:00 Song No. 37 and Announcements
11:10 How Are Many Storing Up Treasures in Heaven?
11:35 Dedication and Baptism
12:05 Song No. 13
13:20 Music
13:30 Song No. 172
13:35 Experiences
13:45 "Keep on... Seeking First the Kingdom"
- "And All These Other Things Will Be Added to You"
- "In Troublesome Seasons"
- In the Face of Economic Hardships
- Despite Advancing Age and Other Limitations
14:45 Song No. 9 and Announcements
14:55 Highly Esteem Riches "Greater Than the Treasures of Egypt"
15:25 Fulfilling Our Treasured Ministry Despite Trials
15:55 Song No. 193 and Prayer
- Morning
09:40 Music
09:50 Song No. 135 and Prayer
10:00 Add to Your "Treasure Store" by Examining the Scriptures Daily
10:10 Be "Rich Toward God"
- In What Sense?
- "Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things"
- Build With Fire-Resistant Materials
- Always Choose "the Good Portion"
11:00 Song No. 164 and Announcements
11:10 Watchtower Summary
11:40 Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit
12:05 Song No. 40
- Afternoon
13:20 Music
13:30 Song No. 195 and Prayer
Public Address:
How Can You Survive Jehovah's "Day of Fury"?
14:25 Song No. 207 and Announcements
14:35 "You Cannot Slave for God and for Riches"
15:05 "Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be"
15:35 Song No. 132 and Prayer
How Can You Survive Jehovah's "Day of Fury"
Oooh, can I guess? More service hours, more subservience, don't miss your meetings, and less entertainment? -
More contributions?
Good lord, I think I could smell the high school gym we used to have those things in. I haven't been to a cirucit assembly since 1988, and reading that it was just like yesterday. Funny, not one thing as changed, that could have been the program when I was new to the org in 1973.
Indeed all the inspiration has gone out of them and they keep dishing out the same old trash and with the same pharisaic attitude, always they emphasise what must be done but do nothing to help their members carry their loads.
I've got my Circuit Assembly this weekend. I'm going to take notes, and I'll post a review early next week.
Makes me feel like when I read about upcoming CAs so soon after the butt numbing DAs. Looking back I don't know how I did it w/4 little kids. Makes me tired thinking about the routine.