Gosh, storing up treasures in a place you won't ever be able to access. Hmm. Sounds like a charlatans dream scheme, doesn't it? Then, moving along. . .
10:10 Be "Rich Toward God" o In What Sense?
o "Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things"
o Build With Fire-Resistant Materials
o Always Choose "the Good Portion"
Of course-we know what this involves. Slave labor and putting all your time, energy and resources into God's kingdom (i.e. Organization)
Because that is the answer to the next talk
How Can You Survive Jehovah's "Day of Fury"?
And reiterating the whole point:
14:35 "You Cannot Slave for God and for Riches"
15:05 "Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be"
No, I'm not cynical, just spent the first 15 years of my life learing why any effort of time or money that is directed in a place other than the organization is considered a futile waste of time.