TO ALL THOSE SKEPTICS,the wt did fornitate with the beast that is,was,and is yet to come!
Good news;WT did committ spiritual fornition with UN AKA WILD BEAST
by badboy 18 Replies latest jw friends
For the simple reason that ThirdWitness just cannot understand, that it did exactly what it criticised everyone for doing.
There! I've put it as simply as possible.
One more word. Malawi!!! Don't buy a party card! But we can join the UN! Hypocrisy? Or what?
Good news?? Good grief!!
Anyway, isn't the important thing:
What would the 'average' dub think if they knew about the WT and the UN?
Really, isn't that the crucial thing as far as the WTS is concerned?
Never mind the obfuscation by certain WT apologists, what would your average joe in the congregation make of it all?
Would they see through the lies and deceit?
Would they be reassured by the utterances of WT spokemen?
If they have doubts, then indeed the WTS is in trouble. No wonder there has been such vehement defences made by or on behalf of the WTS.
Really, isn't that the crucial thing as far as the WTS is concerned?
Never mind the obfuscation by certain WT apologists, what would your average joe in the congregation make of it all?
Would they see through the lies and deceit?
Would they be reassured by the utterances of WT spokemen?
If they have doubts, then indeed the WTS is in trouble. No wonder there has been such vehement defences made by or on behalf of the WTS.
One of guys that work for me had to go out to fix one lady's computer. It turns out she was a j-dub, and of course as they were taught she starts bashing world's governments for inability to solve anything (never mind this government somehow managed to pay for her accommodation and super) Anyhow, along the way she even started poking her finger at UN. At this moment my man had enough (he was never a witness but heard about it from me) . He then asked her "what if I told you that watchtower actually joined UN, what would you say?" Upon which she started shaking and said that would never happen, they are the beast of the revelation, they would never do that, never, never, never.... He actually felt sorry for her since she was well into her 70's and didn't tell her about WTBS little innuendo and just finished the job and left. (how about that thirdwitless a "worldly man" with feelings)
That episode illustrated to me how most of them would react. WTBS created an imaginary bubble in which they live and see everything coming their way as worldly lies and attack of evil itself on their little universe. (Which is way they are ready to concoct far fetched stories to protect their little world; the latest one I've heard from 'responsible ones' in congregation was that these were apostates who must have infiltrated even UN to create false stories).
WTBS is seen as pure oasis of true worship. In fact I'd say that mental health of many dubs depend on maintaining that picture. Which is why WTBS goes with such a force against anyone trying to bring a breath of fresh air. -
AK - Jeff
Never mind the obfuscation by certain WT apologists, what would your average joe in the congregation make of it all?
Would they see through the lies and deceit?
My experience has been first 'denial' - in fact generally angry denial.
Then, excuses. Imperfection, unintentional, misunderstanding, you name it - anything but admitting what has happened.
Of course, doubts are planted with the discussion - and that is important. But the average dub cannot take the weight of this info and swallow it without passage of time I think. It is too much for a single session. I think a dub with some already existing doubts [like Wifey and I had when we learned of the UN thing], will take this info as the 'final nail in the WTS coffin'. Otherwise it is going to have to tick like a bomb for a while before they start to think about it seriously.
..badboy..Yes the WBTS is a whore by thier own rules.3rdWitness choses to ignore that..No JW will ignore that..Which makes me wonder,has 3rdWitness ever been a Baptized,active JW?..He knows nothing about what we have been taught and wants to tell us all about it..I laugh just typing this..He`s a dam good WBTS cheerleader though..LOL!!...OUTLAW
jeff, i agree, a lot of cong members are also not strong enough to stand alone once the "rug" of the wtbts has been pulled from under them, they have used it as a crutch for so long they just can`t handle life without it. I think thst those of us who have been blessed to get this info and have taken it on board, have been pretty tough cookies to start with.............personally i think its all being orchestrated from above, i`ll just wait n see where i fit in to the scheme of things, tho i have an idea..............that when the wtbts poop hits the fan so to speak, that there will be a need for the informed such as ourselves to come to the aid of the "trainwrecked" ones reeling from the devastation to their "wt world". When it happens its gonna be rough on them coz they havent seen it coming. just my two penneth worth......... love to all dissnchntd1
I wonder how many skanky, diseased crack whores would sell themselves for a "library card". Probably none. You've got to be "spirit directed(TM)" before you can sink that low.
Outlaw, I agree with you, I have wondered if thirdwitness is really a baptised jw. He seems to know very little of how a really dedicated jw would behave when he comes on here. The only real resemblance I have seen to a jw in him is his refusal to answer direct questions, even when they are simply put. All his many posts on the topic did was to reinforce in most peoples minds that the wts did do something very underhand re the UN.