A JW Elder Calls!!

by Gill 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I have helped dubs who shun me because they are lost but don't know it. Their beloved god, the "Faithful Slave" is doing more harm to them than they'll ever deserve so I figure if I show them kindness it may get some of them wondering why an evil apostate like me who has 'Left Jehovah' is so happy now and willing to help them in any way possible.

    The Watchtower Society is another matter. It and its Governing Body deserve every bit of the whirlwind they are reaping.

  • Gill

    Good point AuldSoul!

    The bOrg can never be 'let off' for what it has done and is doing to the lives of millions.

    It helps to see the individual JWs at KH level as victims.

  • Hecklerboy

    I can see both sides of the story. I would be mad as hell if someone that shunned me for year suddenly stopped by for help. On the other hand what your husband did is exactly what got me out of the borg. When I was sick and needed help and some kindness my "worldly" work associates were there to help me. Not my so called "brothers". That act really had a lasting impact on me. It opened my eye to let me see that my "brothers" could have cared less for me.

    Your husband may have planted the seeds of doubt. We can only hope.

  • jgnat

    Yeah, yelling at the elder who is caught in the evil web, doesn't touch the web at all. Pour out the milk of human kindness, and let the poor soul lap it up.

    On the other hand, cutting the strings, even one by one, can bring the structure down. Some of those critical elements may have already broken, spelling the ultimate demise (or incredible shrinkage) of the society. I'm thinking of:

    • Taxation and the donation arrangement
    • The internet and free availability of alternate information.
    • Householders these days are rarely at home, and when they are, are tuned out by door-to-door salesmen.
    • Sophisticated advertising and service-oriented culture has crept in to the church, which leaves the Watchtower an anachronism.
    • Today knowledge and reverence for the bible is rare among the G7 nations. The chains of belief that lead to worshipping the Faithful and Discreet Slave are much harder to establish, except among generational JW's.
    • Themselves. A harshening stand will only drive more people underground or away. By harshening the shunning arrangement they created a determined and vocal pool of ex-witnesses.

    The Watchtower society these days is not flexible enough to adjust to these changes. They will ultimately fail.

  • Gill

    Hecklerboy - I had a similar experience to you, in that when I was ill, all my JW friends disappeared EVERY time. Neighbours were always offering help, but NOT the JWs! I hope you're right about the seeds of doubt though.

    Jgnat - Absolutely! I agree with you that though I think the WT society will go on for maybe another 20 to 30 years, ultimately it is doomed. It's just a matter of time now.

  • moshe

    I would have fixed his car ,too. But he would have had to listen to me talk about my life post-JW while I was working. The miserable bugger is probably looking for some way out of the KH and in a way that he can save some face. That's the problem I have seen, the JW's have spent their whole time telling everyone that "They" are wrong and can't admit publicly that JW's have been bamboozeled by the Governing Body in Brooklyn. So they continue on in the sorry state of life they call a spritual paradise- rather than admit a failure on their part to discern the real truth.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Your hubby sounds lovely Gill - what a nice bloke. You also know that all the dubs at his KH will get to hear about this.

    (If this chap is shunning you, is he breaking any 'rules' by approaching you?)

  • kerj2leev

    The story of the Good Samaritan comes to mind, good for him!!

  • Mary

    Actually Gill, while my initial response would be like your's after reading your hubby's view, it reminded me of Jesus' example of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan helped a person who was taught to hate him and would have ignored him under normal circumstances. I don't think anyone gets any Brownie Points from Jesus for ignoring another human being like the Pharisees or the Witnesses. Your husband sounds like a good man.

  • fullofdoubtnow


    If an elder, or any jw for that matter, had called on us to ask Trev to help him, I'd have been annoyed, especially if it was someone who'd shunned us a few times. Having said that, I think your hubby did the right thing. It might get the guy to think a little.

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