Sorry but my font size is ALL screwed up for some reason!
Let me start out by saying GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I am going to vent here!!! Many of you know our story. 8 MONTHS ago we met with the elders at their request, and told them of our questions and finding regarding 586/587 vs 607. We shared with them the Kings list supported by the Societies own literature. I gave them each a chart of the Kings list as well as copies of the Societies own literature to support the chart. Then we asked them why it is that this chart made using the Societies own data contradicts the Appendix to the Kingdom Come book. Of course they had NO answer and one even told us there WAS NO PROOF for 607! That statement, as well as the WHOLE conversation I have on TAPE!
Ok... so it was 7 months later that a family member called the P.O. and asked him why it was that they never got back to us. Of course the P.O. was put on the spot and he LIED about it and said that they had repeatedly called and called and we were avoiding their phone calls and refused to call them back! This was a bold face LIE! Both my husband and I have very public jobs, and our face and phne numbers are all over. Why is it we got any calls of any of our numbers UNTIL a family member called him for some answers on their neglect. So.. then and ONLY then did we get a message on our home phone. Meanwhile that concerned family member believed the elder and he and his wife have cut us off and said we were playing "games" with them!
So....the P.O. calls to schedule a meeting. They wanted to meet that coming Saturday, but my Sister was coming into town that weekend and we did not want to meet with her here. So he told him we could meet that following Wednesday. The P.O. said that would be bad for them, since everyone was getting ready to leave for the Assembly that weekend. So my husband said for them to just call when they got back and we would hook up. Aunt back east finds out we have been inactive. She had no idea we havn't been active for a year and a half. Her husband is a elder as well. I told her our findings and she listened patiently until I was done. Then she came UNGLUED! For four hours I was called an "apostate" and "a voice of a stranger"..etc. I would of hung up on her if it wasn't for the fact that my elderly Grandmother is in her care. And I am only able to have contact with her through my Aunt. Well, I begged her and or my elder Uncle to help me find the answers to our questions. She refused and three days later she wrote me the most hateful and hurtful letter! I cried my eyes out! At that point I made a decision. That decision is that I will never allow myself to be put through that again! I have done NOTHING wrong, yet I am shunned by 99% of all witnesses we know, including our family who are still active! Obviously the elders could care less about us! I find out my own Grandmother who lives in in a town nearby was called into a elders meeting at the Dicstrict convention with the P.O. and the D.O. to see what she knows about us. Funny how they will ask everyone else but never ask us! Whatever happened to applying Matthew? The Cuircut Overseer has been to my Grandmas house two different times to inquire about us. Why are they afraid to ask us if what they are hearing is true?? It is like being accused and convicted without ever being able to prove your innocence! It is like standing on train tracks with your arm out trying to stop a frieght train! The latest slander and gossip is... we are printing and distruibuting literature. That we have created a website called, "The TRUE Jehovah's Witnesses, oh...and it gets even better....we have started our own religion!!!! Can you believe it?? I am so hurt and disgusted that those that I thought were my friends and who are my family are treating us in such a unloving horrible way! People get off on all the gossip! I have heard these rumors from two states away in two different directions! And to think I would have given my life for these ones who are doing this! So , with all that being said, I really DO NOT want to meet with them anymore. I feel like it is a day late and a dollar short. I begged and pleaded when they were here last to give some sort of special needs talk on gossip and slander. (I just wanted to quietly fade.) But I was told they don't give a special needs part for just anyone who asks. I told them at the time, I realized that, but since rumors were even at that time flying, it would of been something that needed to be address. The P.O. agreed and said they would discuss it. Well aparently our reputation wasn't important enough to them! It was not their reputation at stake, it was ours! And now we are considered apostates! Just today I was shunned by two witnesses at the mall! UPDATE!!!!! Get this, my husband just walked in the door. He said the elders just called him a hour ago and they want to schedule to meet. My husband told him he would talk with me and get back to him. I really am just tired. I am tired of people treating me like I have done something wrong! I have NO intrest in arguing with anyone. That has never been a desire. I just wanted answers that made sence. I can tell you that after all these months I sincerely do not believe that they have want to meet to answer our questions. I question there motives now, and feel they are probably coming here to give us an ultimatum, and or get rid of us. I will have my husband tell them to put in the mail anything they may have that might answer our question regarding 587 vs 607. (I know they won't have anything.) But I am not going to put myself out there to be beaten up again! My Aunt did a fine enough job of that for everyone! So... thank you all for your listening ear...I think, I know our days are numbered! I am mentally now ready. BRING IT ON!!!!!
Sincerely, Lady Liberty