There have been occasion in my life, that movies have come out that I looked so forward to seeing. Then I see them, and I am so disappointed in the finish product. Then there are movies I go to see thinking, why am I wasting my time with this junk, and then I end up finding this movie to be something enjoyable and in some cases fantastic. If you understand what I am trying to explain here, what are some that you would put into these categories.
What movie disappointed you the most, what one impressed you the most?
by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends
Crank! The only movie I definitely would have walked out of if I had the chance. It was beyond stupid. sammieswife.
By far, the biggest disappointment for me would be Star Wars 1, 2 and 3. All those years waiting for more Star Wars movies, and only to be handed this mess of bad plot, video game advertisement.
My rule of thumb with movies is this. The greater the anticipation; the more built-in liklihood of disappointment. The less anticipation; the more liklihood of being pleasantly surprised.
The less I know about a film going in; the more chances I have of being surprised and entertained. However, If I hear and read too much I'll have formed certain preconceived ideas which have to be aligned with the expectation factor.
Bottom line: Ideally, I'll on discover the premise of a film and not know anything much at all until I sit down in the theatre to become audience to what appears on the silver screen.
That having been said; I loved THE ILLUSIONIST.
I was disappointed by Lady in the Water.
Shawshank Redemption - an amazing movie!
X-Men 3. I was totally hyped for it. What a let-down.
The only movies that tend to impress me have already stood the test of time. Now when I go to the movies, I expect it to blow so I can walk away not feeling like I wasted a 10.
X-Men 3. I was totally hyped for it. What a let-down.
Say it ain't so!
I was disappointed in Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl even though I loved seeing Johnny Depp in it the movie as a whole was a let down for me.
X-Men 3. I was totally hyped for it. What a let-down.
You ain't just whistlin' dixie brother! X Men 2 was great. 3 was weak.
Talladega Nights (Will Ferrell) was amazing.
Donnie Darko was a good movie that not many people have seen.
Memento was also a good one that wasn't that popular.
Say it ain't so!
I know this is gonna cut right into your heart, Ms. Jean Grey, but in hindsight I would not have paid to see X3. Not a dime.
I thought it was gonna be tighter than a drum, and I practically salivated with every teaser commercial. They just took way too many liberties with the story, it was too short, no Nightcrizzle, Wolvie just walks up and stabs Jean in the gut, what the deuce???, not enough Juggernaut time, as much as I like Magneto his powers were inconsistent, Cyc gets jigsawed offscreen, Prof gets jigsawed....what the deuce is up with that....