I'll repost what I posted on BronzeFist's thread:
DAing means different things to different people.
To me it was an opportunity to tell folks I loved them but that I had no more time for the WTS-thang.
Another issue was that I knew I wouldn't be left alone, as I was a high-profile Elder. I wanted them to give me a wide berth as I got on with my life, without receiving a phonecall every time I was seen entering a church, a religious bookshop, or a house of ill repute...
...ok, I made that last bit up to see if you were still reading
I'll add that I really don't recommend it, especially if you have family. If you're only after closure, there are less extreme ways of gaining that. While I had imagined most of the repercussions, one aspect that I had underestimated was just how deeply I would be affected by it.
IPSEC was all set to do something similar, but informed his wife just before the meeting, resulting in him getting grassed out and not being allowed to follow through. I had been under no such illusions, as I knew that my wife's loyalties to the organisations/congregations were greater than to me. As our marriage subsequently deteriorated I was reminded of that fact again and again and again.
While I appreciate that you're only voicing your "suspicions", might I remind you that you've not yet walked a mile in these shoes? Unless you're incredibly empathetic (for which I see no evidence in your posts, to date) I would suggest that you really haven't got a clue or even a basis from which to form an informed opinion.
You do add some value to the thread in your "congregation" perspective, however. Thanks for that.