A point of great controversy at times. Sometimes posters are restricted or even denied privilage of this board.
Some are quick to condemn such actions, others are quick to applaude it.
I wanted to comment on a couple of threads locked by moderators that covered this point. Since they were locked I started a new thread.
I think that although we do not agree with all posters opinions here - they are all to be treated fairly and above board. I have not personally seen any unfairness in this matter in the two years I have been here. I have known of only one poster who was banned [DEFD] and now one who has been restricted to number of posts. [Thirdwitness]. I am sure that there have been many more that I am not aware of - but by and large I see no movement underfoot for apologists and trolls to be mistreated. This is after all a former witness board. The general bias would be non-witness. They come here knowing that don't they. I personally have not ever gone to a pro-witness board just to stir the shit up trouble. Perhaps some have - and perhaps some have been banned. I have heard of several pro witness boards that will not allow anyone who seems to be anti-witness to remain and stir the shit up trouble. How is this board any different than that?
I must agree with Ozzie's postition that those who support the WTS here have entered a hostile territory. It would be to their own power to answer some of the questions put to them. They all seem to take the same tac - avoid the questions. Some have argued that they are hit with too many questions to answer. That might be true - but if they ever answered a question at all it would show 'due diligence' at least. Most of them never do. They just resort to the same tired tirade and attacks over and over again. Many of the questions are not impossible to answer - just impossible to answer within witness theology and stay a witness.
With each one that has come along I have personally asked a few succinct questions - kindly for the most part - and asked them again and again requesting an answer. I don't think I have ever gotten a single answer from any of them.
We are all here to heal. We have all made friends. We do not always agree. We all tend to jump off topic from time to time. We all forgive each other for that.
But we do not tend to come here, pose questions, hide, pose another question, hide again. Attack a poster. Hide.
I personally think mods are right on to protect the waters here a little from the sharks. But not so much as to take all the fun out of it.
I think they [the mods] do a terrific job - and aside from a little rant here -wanted to let them know that. Thanx guys and gals for a job well done.