The GB, jehovah and correcting grevious errors

by greendawn 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    What do you think about the doctrine of the GB which maintains that it is no one's business to meddle in the way they run God's org (in fact their org) because God himself will put things right in his due time?

    Isn't that a disgusting excuse to let them carry on abusing the R&F with false knowledge? Just think of it there are many errors many R&F are pointing them out and God is sitting there mysteriously ignoring the errors and as if by a whim he will at some time later decide to direct the GB to correct these errors.

    Why don't they follow the advice of the R&F and correct things there and then? Why is God taking so much time to set things right?

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Why is God taking so much time to set things right?

    Because the gb has no relationship with God anyway, so why would he set them right? Anyone now foolish enough to believe that the wts has God's backing deserves the leadership they submit to.

  • skyking

    As I apply told them in a letter which they no doubt never read but someone down the food chain had the opportunity of reading. God pinned the scriptures and he is not about too change as if he has some how miraculously changed his mind. He made it perfectly clear in the scriptures thousands of years ago when he had men of old write the Bible.

    I think this policy is the most dangerous of policy's and it filters down to the congregations so the congregations run amok.

  • parakeet

    ***Why don't they follow the advice of the R&F and correct things there and then? ..... Isn't that a disgusting excuse to let them carry on abusing the R&F with false knowledge?***

    You answered your own question. The gb/WTS are con artists, and like all cons who are exposed, they blame the victims. If the con allows the victim to change the rules of the game, the game is over.

  • lawrence


    Right on!


    Yes, second rate con artists, greasy slimy bastards, and mean bastards at that. The laws of Karma await Crooklyn.

  • LongHairGal

    What I find interesting is that the bible doesn't show a "wrong teaching" being taught to the Israelites for a century or so.

    Everything was right on.


  • greendawn

    Good point LHG, are the GB trying to tell us that God can't inform his followers in a short time about an error and he has to let a lot of time go by before he does it? What a silly man like perception of God.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello Greendawn...

    What is R & F? When you said this:

    Why don't they follow the advice of the R&F and correct things there and then? Why is God taking so much time to set things right?

    I was thinking of a scripture..refering to the 'man of lawlessness' ... which I'm not sure if the WT is a part of or not.. but this part of the scriptures fit..

    II Thes. 2:9 'But the lawless one's presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth .....So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.'

    Greendawn, I know that God lead me out of the WT. And maybe he's using this time to try to lead as many out as possible.. That's my guess .. What do you think??

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    What I find interesting is that the bible doesn't show a "wrong teaching" being taught to the Israelites for a century or so.

    And this is the biggest point to take from their religion. They follow a pre-christian example of what it means for follow God, so they must follow men. Their religion has allways been about following a particuliar individual or group of individuals exercising authority from one source. The JW dosn't know how to serve God without a human authority over them.
    On a more positive note, I would like to add this little riddle (taken from the lord of the rings) that I feel gives a good answer to what eventually will take the GB and the Watchtower down:

    This thing all things devours
    Birds, beasts, trees, flowers

    Gnaws iron, bites steel,
    Grinds hard stones to meal,

    Slays king, ruins town,
    And beats high mountain down!

  • Ade

    Hi Drew,
    you wrote:And this is the biggest point to take from their religion. They follow a pre-christian example of what it means for follow God, so they must follow men. Their religion has allways been about following a particuliar individual or group of individuals exercising authority from one source. The JW dosn't know how to serve God without a human authority over them.

    Exactly, upon questioning one brother as to why the bible states nowhere that we need to be members of a cult/religion to be acceptable to God, but Jesus said just have faith in him and be saved, along with loving your neighbour and God,the brother replied to me , "There's no way it can be that simple - it just cant be ". I could tell he wasnt going to listen, as they feel without all the complexity added to their worship it cant be acceptable.

    The laws were removed by Jesus, they were the complex part of following God , to point out to Israel that God was needed that they were not righteous, To show the imperfections of men. The JW'S are still trying to live by these laws and others laid down by men. It's a disturbing situation that they are allowing men to overide what Jesus did for them.

    All the best
    God bless you all

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