Is the Muslim religion actively looking for a war or fight?

by free2beme 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk
    We all have the capability of producing extremists of the most brutal kind, and Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have all been used as a justification for such brutality.

    Exactly! It's amazing, isn't it, how we focus on the fanatical zealots of other religions while disregarding those of our own! Have Christians suddenly forgotten the heinous treatment meted out to millions of people worldwide in the name of Christianity over the centuries! Oh, but that was then, we're more civilised now! Absolute tosh!!

    The Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews were largely made up of Roman Catholics and Protestants. Christians wiped out the aboriginees of Tasmania. Spanish Christians massacred the indigenous peoples of South America. Christians and Muslims kill each other in South East Asia.

    People are people are people are people and there will always be some imbeciles who want to stir up trouble for their own ends. Is charity Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, etc? No, of course not. It's all charity. So why put a label on people? I can introduce you to wonderful, peaceful, law-abiding Muslims who detest the religious war-mongers of so-called Muslim countries and I can introduce you to Christians whom you'd rather stay away from for the rest of your life! Does that mean all Muslims are good and all Christians are bad? Of course it doesn't!

    I've no doubt there are millions of Muslims who would love to have the freedoms we have in the west but they're too afraid to speak out - and can you blame them? Don't judge a people by its leaders, because not all leaders have been elected democratically and cannot be said to be a reflection of the masses.

    Sheesh, did our time in the JWS not teach us anything? Do we not remember the total suppression we felt? Well, so do many Muslims. Don't forget, many Muslim counties don't want to be ruled by religious despots and elect secular leaders. Turkey, a Muslim country, wants to join the European Common Market and is an example of westernised Islam. Women there can speak out and don't have to wear those head to toe coverings. NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE THE SAME JUST AS NOT ALL CHRISTIANS ARE THE SAME!

    There'll always be some moron trying to stir up trouble and they'll frequently use religion as a reason. Perhaps Marx was right and religion is, indeed, the opium of the masses. But then again, those who have a religion can be said to respect truth. But that doesn't mean they have the TRUTH and so shouldn't foster it on the rest of us.

    So, before we go and support nuking all Iranians or Arabs let us remember that there are millions amongst them that want peace as much as we do; who want to see their children grow into similar law-abiding and peace-loving people and who see all men and women as equals.


  • Beardo

    The Western spin doctors want us 'twitching in our beds at night' - concerning ourselves about Islamic nut jobs.

    Yes, there are factions within the Islamic world who want bloodshed, as there are in the pseudo Christian Western administrations - who kill the people, poison the land and turn the desert into glass in the name of 'democrasy' ...

    The Church of Rome has actively waged war against Islam since its inception and nothing has changed, aside from the stakes are now higher due to the proliferation of high tech weaponary (mostly developed and held by Western authorities).

    When the US/UK told us that Saddam had WMDs when Iraq was illegally occupied, that was clearly a big pile of shit. People like Dr David Kelly blew the whistle and he lost his life (killed by the secret services in the UK as a warning to others).

    There is not a huge Islamic terrorist network operating on US/UK soil - there are obviously going to be isolated pockets of resistance against Western powers though.

    If you think 9/11 was a strike by Islam against the West, then you know very little and have a lot to learn about how the secret service operates/what their agenda is at present and how social engineering works upon our minds daily through the media.

  • Gill

    I don't think it is to be viewed as Religion against Religion but rather Ideology against Ideology.

    The Ideology of Islam is to take over the world by whatever means necessary.

    Certainly in the past Christians had a similar ideology.

    But Hitler's Ideology was to take over the world by whatever means necessary, it wasn't necessary the case that the Germans as individual people had the same idea, but they became swept along by his ideology.

    Therefore, the war that the world is already engaged in, is a war against an Ideology.

    As soon as you start saying, it's a religious war, you slip into a slippery slope of putting religions against eachother.

    It's the Idea or Ideology that anyone should have total global control and enforce it by whatever means possible that is at fault.

  • Beardo
    Certainly in the past Christians had a similar ideology.

    The psuedo - Christian ( illuminati ) still have those goals.

    As do global Zionists, a branch of Zionism being radical Christians who believe in the outpouring of God's Kingdom through human agents. Not peace, but a literal sword. These are dangerous people.

  • Dansk

    As soon as you start saying, it's a religious war, you slip into a slippery slope of putting religions against eachother.

    It's the Idea or Ideology that anyone should have total global control and enforce it by whatever means possible that is at fault.

    But that's what the religious zealots do, whether Christian or Muslim. They take portions out of their religious books and use them to further their ideology in the name of religion! It isn't the masses that are at fault, it's the nutty leaderships!

    Many would say Bush is doing exactly that which I have highlighted in bold - and he's a professed Christian. So, do we nuke all Christians? Are all American Christians bad because some follow Bush's ideology? And don't forget, the British Empire was run on a similar ideology.


  • Beardo
    It isn't the masses that are at fault, it's the nutty leaderships!

    Very true, up to a point, but the masses help run the war machine and they should still take responsibility for their actions.

    A man can ask you to jump off a cliff, but you don't have to.

  • JH

    They are a religion of love, something equivalent to the JW's, who prone freedom for all, especially women.

  • Dansk
    but the masses help run the war machine and they should still take responsibility for their actions.

    Of course they should, but just look what happened to those nationals who opposed Stalin or Hitler or Saddam!


  • Gill

    Dansk - Yes I agree that religions are a form of idea or ideology, but I meant more the Supremist ideology that 'we are right! God is with us! We must take over the world for God and annihalate all who are not like us!'

  • Narkissos
    The Ideology of Islam is to take over the world by whatever means necessary.


    Would you call the political theories underlying the US foreign policy "the ideology of Christianity"?

    You are entirely right in distinguishing religion from ideology. But Islam is a religion.

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