While I had had various doubts since being in high school, I just thought that I needed to "study more" so that they would go away. Both my previous ex-husbands are now XJWs and they also had their doubts, etc. One was a former Bethelite and going there, he said, ruined whatever JW spirituality he had. Anyway, back to me......I had a co-worker who was Catholic who was receptive to many things, but always wanted more proof than just the JW literature. When I would find things in the Catholic encyclopedia or some other reference book, she willingly accepted the information, however I did find things which were misquoted or taken out of context. My co-worker lovingly suggested that I check as many references as I could and be like the Bereans. If JW teachings were right, they would withstand anything. So, I kept that in mind, especially since that is what we taught new studies to do with their religions. So, during a time when I was off work after a small surgical procedure (with no JW's visiting or any kind of LOVE shown), I decided that I needed to "make the truth my own" and study, study, study. If I was going to teach my daughter these things, I needed them solid in my heart and mind, as well. Well, that did it. That was the beginning of the end for me. I found so many things that enhanced my doubts. I found misquotes, lies, changing information, etc. I haven't seen that former co-worker for many, many years now, but I will always have her to thank for my truly seeing the 'cult' for what it is. If she had been rude or pushy about it, I would have just dismissed her as being a poor mislead worldly person. Instead she had the right approach and helped a poor mislead JW.