hey carmel...
are you one of the illuminati?...bout the same thing...
by eyeslice 17 Replies latest jw friends
hey carmel...
are you one of the illuminati?...bout the same thing...
Blondie - There was an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. On 13 May 1981 John Paul II was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peter's Square to address an audience. However, a few points to note: - the motive appears to have been nationalistic not muslim v christian - it didn't succeed - it was nearly 25 years ago Things have moved on a lot since 1981. My view is that if the Pope were assassimated by Muslim extremists there would be a blood bath in so many countries through out the world.
I actually wonder if it would have the opposite effect - that the quieter, moderate Muslims would finally stand up and say this is not in our name and there would arise greater infighting between the different Muslim groups to try and put the house of Islam in order. Suppose, a bit like the Reformation in Christianity.
On 13 May 1981 John Paul II was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peter's Square to address an audience. However, a few points to note: - the motive appears to have been nationalistic not muslim v christian
eyeslice, I don't think many people saw any such distinction then or would now. The Middle East has been a hotbed of problems since 1948. (perhaps before)
If they assassinate the Pope, they will give the world another Catholic martyr. Oh, wait a minute, I thought they believed in becoming martyrs, not making them!
I dont think a country would go to war over a religious figure. It is different that shooting a president and plus a nation didn't do it,its people did. You cant really declare war on muslims in general. I am sure it would generate racism but no wars. Most of the Hijackers from 9/11 where from Saudi Abrabia but they are still our friends.
Most of the Hijackers from 9/11 where from Saudi Abrabia but they are still our friends.
Good point, zico; bin laden is from Saudia Arabia too.
WW3 would actually require some ARMIES to fight! You know tanks planes UNIFORMS!? I do think we could see the muslim religion official outlawed... None to soon either!