Co-dependent Behaviour

by Sad emo 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • gold_morning

    There is an excellent book to read

    "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie

    There was something she said that stuck with me and I think it fits not only in relationships but in organized religion to.

    She said: "Codependent people ENABLE the inappropriate behavior"

    How true that rang for me. I did truly enable inappropriate behavior in my marriage. I enable inappropriate behavior from my family and kingdomhall when they disfellowshiped me. In other wards.. it can't happen unless... you can't allow them to hurt you... unless you enable it.


  • purplesofa

    Beyond CoDependancy is a good book by Melanie Beatty

    It is really about loving yourself. which

    I found hard to do with the JW experiance

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